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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Everything posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. Frodo looks like a Portland housewife
  2. That scene cracks me up every time I watch it.
  3. That’s how my wife cooks everything she puts in a pot. It’s like clockwork. Me and the kids laugh about it now. Bar Keepers Friend saves most of our pots.
  4. Trip booked to early April. I need to prep for the reckoning.
  5. This season is slow and mostly boring so far.
  6. He was a complete piece of trash. With a group after a game and went to Casino el Camino for food. I had no idea who he was but my local friends did and they invited him to sit with us and eat. My Gf was with me at the time and Leslie is making a couple of comments. I blow it off as I can see how impaired he is. Finally he gives her one more gesture and I got in his face. He tucked tail and left.
  7. Where does Project X fit in? Not the monkey one.
  8. I thought this was how all wives cooked. High until it boils it and scorches, burns and overcooks all things inside then turn to low and say it’s ready.
  9. Pop was in hospital admin in the Air Force and in the civilian world and this short circuits his brain. He openly calls chiros quacks and mall doctors.
  10. Haha. You ain’t lying. We did a hog tourney a few years back and thought for sure we had one at 200+. He was 160. We have running jokes about hog sizes now.
  11. Figured I would post an update since I've been trying to manage a few situations. Rough '23. System change outs were way down for us. Service, repair and maintenance were good. Increased our agreements by 50% to around 400. Cash flow is an issue right now and I've got to make some very tough decisions very quickly. We built the company framework for growth but the growth didn't come with it this year.
  12. We talking Jake from Silverado or Ness from Untouchables?
  13. Damn, I've seen kids defending a parent but that was a STFU Dad set of responses.
  14. Wife's car was totaled in an accident so we had to go shopping. Downsized from a QX80 to a Toyota Highlander Limited. Took walking out twice but we got it ~7% off MSRP and 3.99% for 48.
  15. I was surprised they had him in. He had been hurt most of the game and limping around on the sideline.
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