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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Everything posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. BJ should thank every coach during his tenure. As soon as his final down is over at Texas he won’t ever step on professional field again.
  2. Damn impulse buys. Bought a Ten point crossbow cuz I like fun shit.
  3. I would hoard the MM and Weller.
  4. Can’t recall if it was PH or PI. one always had some version of Pole Position or Joust you could play while waiting for the pizza to come out.
  5. I’ve always referred to CiCi’s as Feces pizza. Worst pizza I’ve ever had by a large margin.
  6. Same. We were always out of state. Wife’s family is massive so it’s a big change from what I was used to. At times I do try to sneak off to a back room and watch football or read the paper by myself for a few minutes.
  7. Were you kissing a girl on the veranda?
  8. Nice. What’s the details on the solar setup? We are contemplating this in a couple of our big Redneck blinds.
  9. It’s my pig rig with thermal. I use my 6.8 for deer.
  10. Good stuff. How far was the shot with the 300? I don’t use my BO for deer so just curious.
  11. I haz sad. Couldn’t go this weekend. Really hate it when things get in the way.
  12. Virginia doing something a little different. Each store has allocations just have to get in line and get a ticket on one Saturday. One item per ticket. Good lineup too. Better than the lottery.
  13. Lulz. Flat and red is accurate. I’m from WF and hunted in Vernon 2 years ago.
  14. I have DND with auto response while driving. Wife always texts me to see where I am but doesn’t call until I pull in the drive. Maddening
  15. It’s like a live feed to all our houses. Same stories.
  16. We douse al our blinds about a month out and it helps tremendously.
  17. Franklin county is similar, although they have expanded it from a weekend to about 15 days now.
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