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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Everything posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. Now that he has signed a few NIL deals I’d wager a guess that was the main reason he didn’t stick with the good guys.
  2. Seeing a lot of Wolf in 300 BO. I’ve only used Hornady Sub X and SST. Probably going back to using ~110-130 grain with my can. any feedback is welcome on Wolf.
  3. Glad I went last week. Doubt we go in October now.
  4. Don’t need to. She’s volunteered it for years.
  5. After multiple old fashioneds I responded with “Look dear. The 50+ chicks I banged prior to meeting and marrying you don’t count.”
  6. At dinner Friday night and my wife thinks we should discuss how many girls I slept with before we got married….nearly 12 years ago. I told her that is the single dumbest thing to talk about.
  7. How long does it take for those conversations to turn political?
  8. RISD academy. Not sure if those were the kids that were there but it was a rough school. Luckily my wife is a Speech Pathologist and has been gone from there for years.
  9. Wife used to work at the school near there and that house always stood out as odd to me. I figured it to be an owner that had a large RV and the HOA had rules on whether it could be visible.
  10. He didn't know the catcher couldn't use his mask to stop/field a ball?
  11. Peche delivered as usual. Kids even loved the place.
  12. Masks pretty heavily enforced right now. Took the kids tit he aquarium so thanks to those that suggested it. Let’s see if they like Peche.
  13. We are going to stop on the way back from Gulf Shores. Is there anything suggested for kids while I drink copious amounts of booze and down oysters? Pretty sure I can’t drag them to the Erin Rose or Little Bar on Gravier
  14. Would be great to get some insight as to why he committed here in the first place, but we’ll never know that.
  15. Had that happen twice lately and I’m in the same boat with rage. Although you have on grey slacks so they may take you more seriously.
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