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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Everything posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. They don’t know how to whip it.
  2. Oh yeah. It's the Sniglets guy.
  3. They’ll take IOU’s. That’s as good as money.
  4. I'm looking as well, but the selection is not what I had hoped for.
  5. Which ETF’s are y’all liking? Looking at XOP, XLE, VDE, FENY and IEO.
  6. Same. I do this is every hotel room I stay in but my theory is it never matters. Those in room stats are props as it never actually gets to 67.
  7. I'm 46, Total was 554 and Free 56.3. Not too bad
  8. He's pretty booked but lives in and does a lot of work in Richardson. really good friend of mine. Kris Bell The Chatham Collective
  9. Confirmed based on Bret Hart giving him a 0 out of 10 on wrestling ability.
  10. Ooof. Jake the Snake was tough to watch.
  11. It is greatly vexing that croots keep putting the “I Love You” sign instead of the Hook ‘em.
  12. I could see ratings improving if Spade takes over and adds his snarky commentary on the stupidity of the show.
  13. Just had my physical today and curious to see where my numbers come back. In ‘17 I was still over 700 at 42 yo.
  14. Not really. Most churches start out in a very small location of what they can afford. Most of the members probably left a larger congregation for some reason and went out to start their own. Ours started in a HS auditorium.
  15. First draw PPP question. In the amount calculated for forgiveness is it the payroll amount issued or that plus SS, taxes, etc?
  16. I faked sick as a fourth grader to stay home and catch the MTV world premiere of that video. CSB
  17. The Habanero BBQ are like crack.
  18. Waited almost 20 minutes in line for 4 shakes last night. Little T’Boo got the GW hit in his baseball game so we decided to take them for a treat. Line was short but I had reservations on not using the app. I knew we made a mistake based on the fingernails hanging out of the driver’s side window as we pulled up behind the car in front of us. The multiple bags came in and out of that car at least 3x. Why they didn’t ask her to pull forward so they could sort it out and not keep the now 10 cars behind them waiting baffled me.
  19. Yup. Some days I will chow down and others I’m good. Usually happens middle of the week.
  20. we've got multiple realtors scouring for options and we are trying all avenues as well. There is one, but we were warned the landlords were awful; recently taken to small claims from a prior renter and they are charging a huge premium.
  21. Bump for some help from those in the area. Builders are on a lengthy wait list and we are looking for a rental in the interim and prior to our kids school starting in the fall. In the last 30 days there have been zero rentals on the market. We have a line on one from a friend whose family has a vacant house there but if anyone in the area hears whispers about rental options, PM me. Thanks
  22. Always enjoyed the show. Spot on about Segel and Phillips.
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