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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Looch would be the d-bag who shows up at his 30 year high school reunion in his band letter jacket.
  2. I have an idea of who I'd want as the safety portal guy...but I'm not saying anything because I don't want to get slapped in the teeth.
  3. Bumping this thread as I know folks like @Sbbruin really enjoy my family theatrics. Thanksgiving should be pretty tame this year. Thankfully, I only have one sister in law visiting with her deadbeat husband. I'm cooking a turkey on the grill and we're having a combined thanksgiving with my parents and aunt and my wife's parents and said sister in law. Running a turkey trot the morning of. It should be a good time. Christmas is going to be a colossal clusterfuck and I'll be sure to document everything here. My MIL has quit taking her meds to stop her breast cancer from coming back and this has created some emotional wreckage in the family (can't really blame her or the family - the meds take a toll on her). The batshit crazy SIL will be there with her 60 year old sugar daddy. This woman drives my wife absolutely fucking crazy. When she walks into the room, I just leave. I can't stand to be around her. My dad's depression has gotten worse over the last year and his health has completely fallen off the rails. He got fitted for a CPAP machine but doesn't use it anymore, terrible diet getting even worse, etc. Let's get ready to rumble.
  4. New Orleans is a fucking shithole.
  5. Question for you guys that do triathlon. Do y’all have a tri suit or do you do tri shorts and a bike jersey?
  6. I want to see more Sanders. Feed him and Bijan and Rojo.
  7. ^^^ plus however much money to keep 2022 class and signing 2023 stars
  8. I'd bet that there are internal discussions going on in aggyland on just how many players have to be in a certain position group in order to actually participate in a game. There was a school earlier this season that almost had to cancel a game because they only had like 6 OL available.
  9. Texas 31 K-State 34 62 plays, longest 55 yards.
  10. 1:55:36. Very impressed with myself considering this is my first and I’ve never run prior to Covid.
  11. My first half marathon is this weekend. Shooting for sub two hours but will be happy with 2:02. Weather is supposed to be great in Houston: mid 50s at the start and slightly warming over the course of the day. Super excited about it.
  12. Even more surprising is that he was able to complete the whole sentence without falling asleep.
  13. The government is doing a fine fine job of eliminating heart disease and cancer. They should definitely be in charge of getting rid of Covid.
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