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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Wordle 319 1/6 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Well looky there
  2. I do Brook's Brothers. Costco also has pants sometimes. I've picked up some Tommy H. flatfronts there.
  3. Do you even leg day, bro? In all seriousness, I 100% agree. I tell my mom (who is 63) to just work on power body mainly. Squats, modified deadlifts, lunges, etc. Core strengthening exercises are best as we age. However, it's always quite humorous to see the guys in the gym that have massive upper bodies and twigs as legs. I hit 275 on squat. Solidly working towards the goal of a 315 squat by the end of the summer.
  4. I’ve got a traeger and put a 15 pound brisket on at 7 am at 250. Wrapped it at noon when the bark was set (probed after wrapping in butcher paper and it was 170). Pulled it at 2:30 at 203. Let it rest for 2 hours on the stove until the temp hit 165 or so then threw it in a cooler. Sliced it at 6:30 and it was the best brisket I’ve done on that grill. It was a choice brisket from HEB and it was more juicy than the prime I buy at Costco.
  5. Oh yeah, I agree. I’m really going to mainly focus on strength and gaining a few pounds over the summer. When football season hits and it starts to cool off, I’ll start running more and scaling back the strengthening plan. I’ll still lift, but running will take priority. Throughout the summer, I’ll be running probably twice a week or so. Nothing huge in terms of distance just because of the heat.
  6. I'm going to be upping my calorie intake by adding another meal. Macro goal is 40/40/20 protein/carb/fat and going to try and hit 2,500 calories/day and keep it consistent over the next two weeks to see where I'm weighing middle of May. I'd like to put on some weight over the summer and bring my lifts up. Got a half marathon to train for in the fall so I know my gym sessions will be lighter with my training for that going up. Goals (1RPM): Squat: 315 (currently 265), Bench: 265 (currently 245), Deadlift 350 (currently 195 - just started this a few weeks ago). Current weight is 178.
  7. For the past 4 years, I've never deadlifted. Mainly out of fear of fucking up my back. Decided to incorporate it as I already do all other barbell exercises (squat, bench, row). Holy shit am I sore. I can see myself doing this from now on.
  8. Oh, and it pays a fuckton more and I don't have to deal with bullshit traffic and can still take my son to school. There's no vacation policy either. They have no company cell phone plan and the CEO told me because he doesn't want employees checking e-mails when they aren't at work.
  9. Probably should have posted in here a year or so ago honestly. I've been in a downward spiral for a while. I have an incredibly hard time separating my work life from my personal life. I find that my motivations in life are more related to how much of an impact I can have on my organization. It's literally impossible for me to separate out my work life and personal life. I've had this problem since I graduated from college. I'm really trying to work on this as I know I can't continue down this path. My job has been pretty shit lately. Boomer boss doesn't want to retire and I have zero upward mobility because he's the CFO and my company only needs one CFO. They've strung me along, paid me shit, and made me feel like I've been pretty worthless. About 6 months ago, I decided I'd had enough. I was bringing my work life home with me and being a shit husband and father. I started looking at different opportunities and just put in my two week notice at my current job today. I've landed a pretty sweet gig that will let me transition into a CFO position within 6 months at a company about 15 minutes from my house. I feel like I've taken the first step in reaching my goal. Boss didn't take the news that well. He seems to be pretty pissed off at me but I've come to the conclusion that I can't let other people's emotions dictate my state of mind. I have to do what's best for me and my family. I've been here over 7 years in the same position and grown a lot as an employee. It's time to spread my wings and go make a big impact on another organization. Wish me luck everyone.
  10. Aren't the vaccines supposed to do that? Seems like the people who want protecting have been vaccinated and the people who don't want to be protected either 1) don't want to get vaccinated or 2) want people to leave them the hell alone.
  11. Made a trip to HEB and saw the same deal for briskets. Good looking choice briskets for $1.87 per pound. Grabbed two 15 pounders.
  12. Didn't he throw a hissy fit on the field when we lost to Kansas under chuckles?
  13. When you know how to smoke a brisket & ribs and compare what you can buy to why you can do yourself, every BBQ joint kinda sucks...My brisket is better than pinkerton's and killen's (in my opinion). Why would I pay $30 a pound for brisket that isn't as good as what I can make myself for $5 a pound (including fuel source and seasonings)?
  14. I don’t know any Italians. I know some Mexicans but can’t confirm if they make good street tacos. Kinda racist IMO.
  15. Went to a work function boil last year that was about 15 of us. Guy who made them was the husband of our HR manager and he put some 2 inch carrots in the boil. Carrots are now a new favorite of mine. They were absolutely fantastic. People from Louisiana make the best crawfish IMO.
  16. 10k went very well on Saturday. My wife placed 3rd in her division at around a 56:30 10k (not blazing fast, only 30 or so in her division) but still a very cool accomplishment. I got 6th in my division at 54:15 which is a good run for me.
  17. Spending more and more time with my parents lately. It's a little more eye-opening when I notice things like my parents aging. My mom (63 tomorrow) has lost about 30 pounds and is doing absolutely fantastic. She's exercising daily, loving retirement, wanting to travel and spend time with her grandson. My dad on the other hand...oof. Massively obese, couch potato, never taken his health seriously, smoker for 50+ years but he won't smoke around anyone in the family because I guess he's embarrassed about it. We all know though so it's a game of "cat and mouse". They recently came to stay at our house this last weekend and my dad spent literally all day Saturday on the couch watching TV. He was "awake" for 15 hours and was in front of the TV for 13.5 hours on Saturday claiming that his back was hurt from a fall he took over a week ago that he just now went to the doctor for. When he's not traveling, he wakes up at 5:30 every morning, goes to his coffee group at 7, gets home around 8:30 or 9 and naps on the couch or watches TV until lunch, eats lunch, then naps again until dinner, eats dinner, then falls asleep on the couch until 9:30 when he'll go to bed. He has undiagnosed sleep apnea and will snore to the point where my mom has kicked him out of the bed and he sleeps across the house. When I stay at their house, his snoring will wake me up and we are 3 rooms away. All he wants to do is eat as it's his vice or outlet. What REALLY sucks is that he just doesn't seem to care about interacting with his only grandson. My mom will take my son places, do things, etc. My dad makes excuses on why he can't go - their dog, his sister, he doesn't feel good, can't walk that far. He constantly complains that all my mom wants to do is travel and he will find excuses to not go and it's holding her back terribly. My mom and I think he has some undiagnosed depression as well due to some shit with my brother. He's on antidepressants, high blood pressure meds, type 2 diabetic, and it's honestly like he's a ticking time bomb. All he wants to do is talk about food and it's infuriating. I have absolutely nothing in common with him. My mom has been harping on him for 40+ years and he hasn't changed a damn thing. My mom and my FIL are fun grandparents.
  18. Where’s the link to the holiday thread?
  19. I know that there’s no way I’d be accepted into McCombs if I was a graduating senior this year. Acceptance landscape has changed so much over the past decade. The tuition prices on out of state universities is astronomically high and private schools for business are a complete waste of money in my opinion (especially accounting). Once you have a certification like a CPA, no one gives a fuck where you did your undergrad. I made the same amount as a first year in big 4 as someone who graduated from Baylor or TCU. They paid 4x as much. The ROI is higher for a business degree from a state school than a private or out of state school. But hey, y’all are talking about STEM, not business.
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