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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Yes we can. We just have to get a penalty to do it! Stopping people is very very hard.
  2. I’m probably 5 or 6 years older than you you young whippersnapper. So kindly, go fuck yourself and stick to Instagram and tik tok and leave the grown up discussion to the adults.
  3. Are two fan bases really arguing about why their team will lose this game in this thread? Fuck 2020. Fire Herman.
  4. Playing at 11 am is really really hard.
  5. Funny. You’ll learn that the boomers that have the most money (see: our president /nocloakroom) make the decisions because of said money.
  6. Strangely, you're correct. Seems to be a lot of alignment (for lack of a better Herman phrase) between the President, BoR, BMDs and AD.
  7. Oh, he was being his typical self: Operator: This is the Houston 911 Emergency Dispatch - what is your emergency? Boy: Hi, what are YOU up to? Operator: Do you have an emergency? Boy: What's an emergency? I'm just playing MARIO! That's when I proceeded to grab the phone. Funny - my company's HR manager's name is Karen.
  8. Meyer is worth $10mil a year. Anyone arguing otherwise is clueless.
  9. My son, wife and I were in the playroom yesterday, playing mario after school. My phone was sitting on my lap as I was expecting a call. I start dozing off and all of a sudden I hear my phone ringing but I'm calling someone. I look up and my 4 year old has my cell phone and is having a conversation with the 911 operator. He pushed the emergency button on my phone and called 911. I grabbed the phone from him and explained what happened to the 911 operator. Apologized as the operator was laughing pretty hard. What the fuck, kid?
  10. I’d look through 50 pages ago or so to quote this but is it time?
  11. Yep. At this point, if we can't go big, let's just pack it up and go home. It's going to be like this for another 10 or 15 years if we don't get a proven power 5 coach. We're wandering the desert at this point and need to find an oasis.
  12. It ain't my money. Don't care, got Urban.
  13. I just don't get this. In my opinion, it should be a TD or more. We absolutely suck with no continuity on offense and a defense that likes to go for the big hit rather than actually tackle. Chuba will probably run wild on this group. Herman will turtle and Sam will have to do it all again. There's no way Sam will make it through the season not hurt. I expect Casey to be in against Kansas State.
  14. In 2013, we went from the BYU disaster with Manny Diaz to beating OU with Greg Robinson.
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