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Hookah Horns

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Everything posted by Hookah Horns

  1. Holy shit, I can't believe I'd never read/heard about this before.
  2. And we're also in a place where one of our 2 political parties is willing to sacrifice national security to protect their dangerous lunatics and own the libs. Not that I'm surprised in the least.
  3. Marj is probably already at work on the impeachment article.
  4. Already talking about killing Big Pillow and hiring their people. This kid's a gangsta.
  5. I've prophesied this as well. Think the fight might be between the Trumplings? The Ivankite/Juniorian schism.
  6. Not sure if it's age, but he's declined like a mf that's for sure. I hope you're wrong about nothing happening to him. Like reeeeally wrong.
  7. If we're talking grammar, the rest of that clause is even worse imo: Since removal from office by the Senate of the President is a condition precedent...
  8. I just read their answer. What kind of bullshit reading comprehension is this? So if a statute for some criminal offense says "punishment shall not exceed one year in jail and a $500 fine," these guys are saying you can't just be fined $500? And you have to serve the year in jail before you can be fined? Lulz. For any young lawyers on the board, "before and jointly with" isn't a turn of phrase you want to use.
  9. Ha, these fucking guys. Purported impeachment proceeding. I'm rather surprised he didn't put "impeachment" in quotes. Kind of sending mixed signals. They say this is serious but act like it's trivial. No such thing as adverse inference, says who? The managers can certainly make that argument. It's a logical inference for senators to draw from dotard refusing to testify. There's nothing that says they can't. It's a bit confusing when they claim this is all unconstitutional but then scold them for "using our constitution." Lastly, "attorneys to Donald Trump"? Kinda odd. I've never seen someone say they are an attorney "to" someone.
  10. Rudy probably thinks Trump is going to pay for this shit and is going to be so confused when Trump doesn't take his calls after he starts asking about it. 😂 Can't wait to hear about the batshit discovery requests Rudy sends them. This whole case is going to be delicious.
  11. Obstruct and own the libs. Even that mandate is better served by being on a committee.
  12. It still blows my mind that Fox's lawyers let all that shit go down, day after day. And that feeble and bizarre attempt to clear things up after they got the Dominion demand letter made it seem like they had no idea before then that they had exposure there. Torbush.
  13. A Donald Trump and Marjie Taylor Greene ticket is an inevitability.
  14. Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me at all if she gets re-elected in a landslide. I really think she's going to be Trump's running mate in '24.
  15. Indeed, that's why Steve King finally lost his seat after years and years of being an open white supremacist.
  16. I'm not sure what you're referring to, but for a long time now the committees and subcommittees are who conduct investigations and write all the bills. The majority party leadership, of course, sets the agenda. If you're not on a committee basically all you can do is vote on things brought before the whole chamber.
  17. I feel like Dominion wants a trial more than anything else. I'd be mildly surprised to see a settlement unless defendants agree to do basically what you wrote above.
  18. It's pretty much impossible to achieve anything in Congress if you're not on a committee. Which is why removing MTG is a fairly big deal.
  19. Damn good stuff. Better than anything I saw during the debate on impeachment.
  20. I can't wait for the revenge shenanigans from the childish, butthurt Rs whenever they next control the House. They'll try to remove every single Dem from committees.
  21. I doubt Dominion'll get billions, but I could see a few hundred million. It's gonna be a painful haircut regardless. Edit: oh shit, this isn't even Dominion, it's smartmatic. Dominion will be coming for that ass soon too.
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