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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. she also seemed to have quite the reaction to being back in that bedroom, which as we learned later, hasn't been changed at all, right down to the filthy sheets, which, gross. there's a decent chance she's not quite herself, or at least not quite dot the tiger we've seen the first 8 eps. she's a combo of dot the tiger and nadine the girl who was basically abducted into this horror movie in her teens. she's shown some instinct, and some shock, so i don't know if i would call it sloppy or inconsistent. i'm just assuming that's what they were going for. the rifle is a little silly since leaving it didn't cost her anything. i still think there were better hiding places. like someone said - it would be visible from 5 football fields away that someone had swung the gear and stopped the windmill, yet she immediately thought of it when she was told to hide someplace they wouldn't think to look.
  2. 1-2 are great. 3 was very good. 4 had its moments, and i can't honestly remember what i specifically disliked about it, but it just wasn't up to the fargo standard.
  3. even worse then. at first glance it looked like the short side of a ball-peen.
  4. my complaint is with her brutal hiding spot. i figured for sure she'd get under danish's corpse. they're not going to look there. but where she was, if the goal was to kill her (which was hamm's order), she dead. they had guns and she had a hammer or whatever the fuck and was 8 feet down. yeah, munch saved the day, but otherwise, seemed out of character.
  5. i joked earlier about it being his current wife, but indira makes the most sense structurally. it would complete her arc. munch seems like he just finished his business. he was hired to handle the tiger and the tiger is free.
  6. what a glorious few minutes that must've been.
  7. are we really assuming this person is “new”?
  8. wait. westworld had a 4th season?
  9. "to the pain" is the old way of finding out.
  10. he's ridley's screw-up brother. top gun beverly hills cop 2 revenge days of thunder true romance crimson tide enemy of the state spy game deja vu so...no.
  11. god dammit. i hate agreeing with helo.
  12. are you unfamiliar with tony scott?
  13. i got all the time in the world. you don't, but i do.
  14. gotta sleep with one eye open. she's gonna snap and be the one that kills him.
  15. yes, it's fantastic. and for a show that got cancelled literally years ago, there have been way too many articles written post-mortem about how it might come back or how fucking dead it is. we know it's expensive and according to fincher, netflix doesn't want to pay for it. not sure any of that has changed. as far as i've seen, netflix only likes throwing money into fireplaces, so i'm not getting my hopes up.
  16. he was fantastic in everything, but somehow underrated in shakespeare in love. hilarious.
  17. mad men is the best drama of all time and is ranked as such.
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