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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Can we update the thread to "Texas tap water laced with PFAS/PFOS"? https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/16/texas-pfas-forever-chemicals-public-water-systems-epa-limit/ In Texas, 49 public water utility systems have reported surpassing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s first-ever limits for five “forever chemicals” in drinking water, according to data submitted to the federal agency. Experts say there are likely more since not all water systems have submitted their data. ... Texas water utilities that have reported one or more PFAS chemical exceeding the new federal standard: Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, and a bunch of municipal districts hit
  2. Lolwtf it's beeping at the driver, so it knows there's something there(?), and then plows through the mannequin. Can't wait to hear the spin on this one from guad lol
  3. If you don't mind me asking, what was the final price after credits and whatnot?
  4. That's the vessel that russia uses to recover sunk ships, so this is a major reduction in naval capabilities for a very long time. Crazy that she was laid down by the Tsar's navy and presently is getting targeted by modern cruise missiles
  5. It is a prototypical move of the putinist russians to cry foul about adherence to international law, something that they are flaunting every second their invasion of Ukraine continues. Always seeking to be protected by the law, but never bound by it.
  6. It's apocryphal, but Winston Churchill famously said that "you can always count on Americans to do the right thing.... After they've exhausted every other option"
  7. LMFAO a fuckin pop rivet after the fact? That's a hell of a factory bodge job to fix a major design flaw. Like, sure, that's a perfectly fine fix - but shouldn't that have been thought of before assembly lines started? If they can't even make a fucking gas pedal, what other unknown flaws are lurking?
  8. Careful, Blacklab gets big mad when you mention the Putin caucus
  9. Where I am, we break it up into 4 or 5 45 minute interviews that are intentionally planned to cover different disciplines and skills and traits, so it's at least not monotonous for the interviewee. But it is a grind, wether you're the sausage or turning the crank
  10. Love that ocean spray on the beach? It's probably full of PFAS. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/19/ocean-spray-pfas-study Ocean waves crashing on the world’s shores emit more PFAS into the air than the world’s industrial polluters, new research has found, raising concerns about environmental contamination and human exposure along coastlines. The study measured levels of PFAS released from the bubbles that burst when waves crash, spraying aerosols into the air. It found sea spray levels were hundreds of thousands times higher than levels in the water. The contaminated spray likely affects groundwater, surface water, vegetation, and agricultural products near coastlines that are far from industrial sources of PFAS, said Ian Cousins, a Stockholm University researcher and the study’s lead author. “There is evidence that the ocean can be an important source [of PFAS air emissions],” Cousins said. “It is definitely impacting the coastline.”
  11. That's how most big tech companies do interviews, one or two phone screens and then a big day of interviews across a panel of interviewers that then give feedback and assess the candidate wholsitically. It's a big pain in the ass lol. On #bothsides
  12. Good faith is a fertile ground upon which trumpism and fascism thrives. That basic presumption of civility is exploited and weaponized to create the sort of unequal justice we've been enjoying for a good long while. Trump is getting free extensions on his prima facie fraudulent bond, simply because the system is built with the expectation of people not lying to the courts face. The system is so incredibly vulnerable to garbage in; garbage out, and it's the main lever of obstructionism he routines uses. The gamesmanship doesn't guarantee unjust results, but it certainly sets the table for them.
  13. Is this another thing where you're claiming I said something that I didn't? You're hittin the chick fil a too hard man, you're shadowboxin with ghost posts
  14. You aren't bringing a different opinion. You're bringing alternative facts and material misrepresentions of reality and insisting we accept them as true before you will engage. That is trolling my guy.
  15. Imma this is again what a troll pretending to be a moron looks and posts like
  16. I think he could've qualified for McNamara's unit
  17. Didn't Tesla famously have a direct to consumer model with no showrooms or dealerships?
  18. Making 800 errors in a run of 400,000 vehicles is one thing. Making 800 errors in a run of 4,000 vehicles is another thing entirely. Especially while charging an absolute premium complete with waitlists for their shit box. Not sure why there's such a weird reflex to jump to elmos defense on Surly
  19. Tesla has ten times the market cap of Ford. Why are they making bush league mistakes on extremely limited runs of cars if they're supposed to be worth more than the next five largest automakers combined?
  20. It must be hard to go through life constantly keeping a balance sheet against every other person you see, constantly measuring to see if you're getting as good a deal as them. Christ, fatty. Does literally everything in life boil down to dollars for you? You must be a real fuckin hoot at parties.
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