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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Wow that's a wild article. Trumpco must be desperate to be getting this dirty this early In a court filing earlier this month, Ashleigh Merchant, an attorney for Trump codefendant Mike Roman, contended that Willis is having an improper, romantic relationship with Wade. Merchant also alleged, without proof, that Willis has benefited financially from the relationship, with the DA going on “lavish” vacations paid by Wade with money he made as a special prosecutor. Thursday’s motion filed on Willis’ behalf contends that Wade’s estranged wife, Joycelyn Wade, “has conspired with interested parties in the criminal election interference case to use the civil discovery process to annoy, embarrass and oppress District Attorney Willis.” The DA stated that Joycelyn Wade is also “obstructing and interfering with an ongoing criminal prosecution.” The DA’s filing said the Wades’ marriage was irretrievably broken and there is no hope of reconciliation. For this reason, Willis’ deposition is not needed to resolve the divorce case, the motion said. Willis’ motion also said the Wades’ marriage was broken after Joycelyn Wade confessed to having an adulterous relationship with a longtime friend of Nathan Wades’s.
  2. Another good technical update on recent NTSB findings: The door cleanly disengaged from the plane and the stops and pads appear to have cleanly disengaged. Inspections have also been finding a BUNCH of loose bolts all over the plug door assembly in the MAX9 fleet, including even on the load bearing rollers that the door latches with. Boeing is bending over and grabbing its ankles in preparation for all the extra inspections coming their way, and the FAA may appoint an independent 3rd party "technical nonprofit" org to oversee Boeing's QA overhaul. Also, they cover the flight deck door opening unexpectedly. The maintenance manual says it's got blow out panels for decompression equalization, and even specifically states that it "is able to withstand the pressure difference" of a rapid depressurization. They're gonna update the manuals 🤦
  3. Wow imma, if getting facts thrown back in your face is "getting ripped to shreds" then you've gone soft lol. If someone comes in making a materially wrong claim and refuses to listen to anyone else or plain facts, they're gonna get shit on. If they keep on, or move the goalposts, they'll get shit on further. Do you want a board where whoever speaks first gets to claim what "is"? Is correcting materially incorrect statements "toxic"? It's always fascinating to see where this mod team draws the line
  4. They may not be explicitly above the law, but cops are practically above the law. That's good enough for trump - being authority figure pig that's above consequence is right up his alley
  5. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24366209-critical-incident-review-active-shooter-at-robb-elementary-school DOJ published its critical incident review of the Uvalde shooting. TLDR: The cops fucked up and caused more children to die at the hands of a madman. Plus, DOJ also found that the repeated lying about first responders helping people only made the misery worse for the parents, and many parents whose children had been killed were first told their children were ok. Just an absolute shitshow and failure by that town to protect and serve its citizens.
  6. Ah yes, back when women couldn't vote and black people were property. It's a reflexive reach by parents for more control in a world and life they feel they have less and less. And I'm sure these sorts of cases exist, but they are far and away the exception for these homeschool cult-in-training groups. Almost always it's because the parents are """uncomfortable""" with teaching critical thinking and the scientific method, and don't want their perfect children interacting with those other kids
  7. Fucking insane that we require public educators to have YEARS of schooling and certification to teach, but we let any parent who's got an IQ higher than their number of teeth be a """proctor""" or claim their children are getting educated. I mean, I get it, they don't want children smarter than they are.
  8. That's pretty stupid - there's already a "digital dollar" via digital central banking. He's playing fear games to get useful idiots mobilized. Say GRUhorn, aren't you supposed to be banned from this site? After your games of posting russian disinformation for years nobody takes you seriously anymore anyways
  9. Literally every finance person I work with commits this fallacy - failing to account for unexpectedly high growth in one time period, and failing to anticipate the return to the previous trend coming off the local max/min
  10. It should have said "it's not a great interior but our dogmatic faith in Elon demands we say something positive"
  11. Not as insane as paying Bitcoin miners millions in public funds to turn off during peak times
  12. Idk if you've been reading, but it's been more of a regression than revolution. Turns out BTC isn't a great currency for small transactions, and it's really hard to get security right
  13. In Texas, more than most states thanks to taxes than can be raised simply by goosing your property value! And we are blessed with further fee payments into the Almighty Free Market to cover the cost of their failure to maintain and steward public critical infrastructure. Thank God we have the Free Market to protect us in these extreme times
  14. C'mon now it could be an all-Texas Superbowl!
  15. That letter to Boeing is pretty monumental as well - surprised it's flow under the radar. The FAA is alleging noncompliance with Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) and their FAA approved quality system https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/EIR2024NM420001_737MAX9.pdf
  16. Pretty big news - the FAA has extended the MAX 9 grounding for an overall audit and further round of inspections https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/faa-boost-oversight-boeing-audit-737-max-9-production-line-2024-01-12/ https://www.faa.gov/newsroom/faa-increasing-oversight-boeing-production-and-manufacturing WASHINGTON, D.C. — After taking decisive and immediate action to ground approximately 171 Boeing 737-9 MAX planes, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today announced new and significant actions to immediately increase its oversight of Boeing production and manufacturing. These actions come one day after the FAA formally notified Boeing that the FAA has launched an investigation into the company as a result of last Friday’s incident on a Boeing Model 737-9 MAX in which the aircraft lost a passenger door plug while in flight. The actions announced today include the FAA conducting: An audit involving the Boeing 737-9 MAX production line and its suppliers to evaluate Boeing’s compliance with its approved quality procedures. The results of the FAA’s audit analysis will determine whether additional audits are necessary. Increased monitoring of Boeing 737-9 MAX in-service events. Assessment of safety risks around delegated authority and quality oversight, and examination of options to move these functions under independent, third-party entities. "It is time to re-examine the delegation of authority and assess any associated safety risks," FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker said. "The grounding of the 737-9 and the multiple production-related issues identified in recent years require us to look at every option to reduce risk. The FAA is exploring the use of an independent third party to oversee Boeing’s inspections and its quality system." Yesterday, the FAA announced an investigation to determine if Boeing failed to ensure completed products conformed to its approved design and were in a condition for safe operation in compliance with FAA regulations. The letter to Boeing is available here. The safety of the flying public, not speed, will determine the timeline for returning the Boeing 737-9 MAX to service. See the FAA's statements on the grounding of certain Boeing 737-9 MAX aircraft here.
  17. Trumps ability to indefinitely delay justice does make me question the how realistic it is that he will face any meaning consequence.
  18. What a completely unforeseeable series of events
  19. Those options are at least still for an actual asset in the real world, and not just a ledger value recorded in a distributed digital blockchain. I don't entirely disagree with your "whatabout", but they're still pretty distinctly different in my mind.
  20. IMO an A-10 is out of its element in a modern conflict. See: SU-25s in Ukraine getting swatted by all sorts of MANPADs
  21. Lulz maybe they don't want to give the air of credibility to what is purely speculative FOMO "line go up" instruments
  22. we'll just file that under "shit that isn't allowed to be mentioned in DT"
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