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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Lmao "both sides"? Gimmafugginbreak. It's just incredulity thread shitting and ignoring plain facts
  2. My wife and I stayed at the Wyndham Rio Grand Mar for our (her lol) babymoon and have had an absolutely wonderful trip. We landed late Friday night and basically just got in and slept. The next day we took it easy and my wife got a spa day and manicure and I watched football and enjoyed the resort. Sunday, we rented a car and drove to Old San Juan and walked the big fort on the tip of the island and had some incredible food in a tiny hole in the wall place behind a store. Monday morning, we drove to El Yunque and hit every <1hr trail and observation point, and walked down Angelito trail to the river to dip our feet in. Absolutely incredible and beautiful. Today, we hoped to swim in the ocean some more but every beach has red "don't swim here dumbass" flags up so we settled with driving through Luquillo and getting some souvenirs and enjoying the local food. Biggest thing was getting a rental car - it made the island SO MUCH smaller and easier to get around. A one way taxi from the hotel to San Juan was $80, a rental for a day starts at $65. But man, we lucked out and got a Wrangler for our rental. Driving through a rainforest with the roof off and listening to the nature is really something else. Highlight of the trip for sure
  3. The Poseidon ASW aircraft is literally just a 737
  4. Well for one they should probably be paying their aircraft assembly and machinist folks more than $45k/yr (according to Glassdoor) which is basically $20/hr. It's no wonder they're turning out fast food quality airplanes. They're paying fast food level wages to the people that are building fucking 200 person airlines. Also this isn't just an Alaska airlines thing. United has found multiple planes with the bolts missing upon doing their maintenance checks. This is a "profit above safety" corporate culture issue. I'd like them to fix that culture issue and treat their skilled labor like skilled labor, but that doesn't make beancounters happy
  5. No, it's more that you felt you needed to call it out as "not racist" is why I posted what I did. My inference IS an assumption, but it's based on the number of racists I've seen who will be the first to tell you they're not racist
  6. Boeing doesn't deal with the union, spirit does. Boeing doesn't have to go with spirit, but they do even though Spirit has a fuckin track record of failing to properly bolt bolts https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/boeing-urges-737-max-inspections-possible-loose-bolt-faa-2023-12-28/ Edit: this article doesn't link spirit to the loose rudder bolt problem, so my bad on that. However. 737MAXs be having hella loose bolts, yo. Which is generally not advisable
  7. UAL has found 5 more planes with loose bolts on plug doors. https://theaircurrent.com/feed/dispatches/united-finds-loose-bolts-on-plug-doors-during-737-max-9-inspections/ Inb4 some more braindead defense of Boeing
  8. The number of times you say "no union" and "conservative" and then "no racist" make me infer the opposite lol
  9. Lmfao Boeing outsourced this to avoid dealing with unions. This is what you get when you cut costs to the bone. Fuck ups.
  10. When you're only comparing opposite outliers to each other, that's what we call "cherry picking" - just so ya know
  11. Man if only one of our resident men of the cloth could explain me why it's not the gays and drag book readers molesting children, but rather all of the Holy preachers of His Word keep fucking the children.
  12. It's a failure of planning and management by the mission planners - it has nothing to do with technology. I posted a video up thread of a credentialed dude speaking to the NASA administration and Artemis mission planners outlining just how far they've strayed from the Apollo playbook in terms of minimizing uncertainty and ensuring redundancy. It's an hour long, but a really REALLY good critical analysis of the Artemis mission and overall modern mission planning
  13. """Financial constraints""" normally means some pissant financial analyst set a sales goal that was not realistic, but the can-do MBA middle manager doesn't know shit about fuck so they run their part of the company as if missing that synthetic target would harm the business - and do massive damage to long term stability in the process. It's how you end up with Boeing selling off and outsourcing their manufacturing and QA and every other meaningful part of their business. They all get framed as cost centers, rather than investments for long term business stability. It all reeks of brainless following of whatever the consultant of the week said last time they stopped by. It's great for meeting next quarters targets, but it'll fall apart after enough time. Just ask Jack Welch how that goes - one of his MBA prodigies is fucking over Boeing as it's CEO right now. It's always the same fuckers running the same playbook. And it always fucking end the same way with enshittification
  14. The knock on effect too is that since it takes more money to attend, it filters out the poors which tend to be non-white. Private schools are lilly fuckin white, and that's why they're desperate to send their kids there instead of public schools
  15. 75th percentile means that it's higher than 75% of wages. The top 25% has the highest wage growth according to this chart, and the group that makes more than 25% of the population (the bottom 25%) saw their wages fall. Also, the average is above the median which is another indicator of top-heavy distribution
  16. You should read (or listen to the audiobook of) "The Making of the Atomic Bomb", it's a much more in depth telling of that history that really gets into the people and the mad dash through the scientific method to build the bomb
  17. Inb4 grounding order on the MAX10. Boeing QA and subcontractor QA is demonstrably crapola
  18. Also a good candidate for the "fuck the police" thread
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