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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Man you gotta get better SLA terms and monitoring to hold their feet to the fire
  2. To the contrary, he was sending his supporters to GO HANG HIS FUCKING VP
  3. We should not be discussing it as a serious institution. Whatever it was before, it is now for the foreseeable future thanks to cramming it full of young fascists, a rubber stamp for the far right culture war machine. That message needs to be repeated ad nauseum, because it's what's happening before our very eyes. It is no longer a serious institution. It's votes on the very fabric of the law of our nation are for sale to the highest bidder. We must confront these facts. Otherwise we will be stuck here.
  4. In my experience, most morons are actually smart people but they're too fucking lazy to turn on their brains or they were never taught critical thinking. It's a skill and a mental muscle to not be a moron, not a measure of intelligence
  5. It's amazing how far people will bend over backwards to justify and explain an overtly lawless act by our supreme court, if they were to rule that trump is exempt from the 14A. Stop talking about and conceptualizing the court as a legitimate body. It is an institution that has been packed with christofascists that demonstrably don't give a fuck about facts. They have been more than happy to make up whatever facts they need to get whatever ruling they need.
  6. Did Chrispy get laid off and learn about workers rights or something? Not that I'm complaining, but it's quite a surprising face turn
  7. You're still glossing over the ultimate failure of allowing a man to run for president who has already attempted a coup once and has said out loud he plans to be a dictator. It's a fucking failure and indictment of our justice system that he's still a free man facing zero meaningful consequences nearly three years after a nationally televised literal attack on our democratic process
  8. In a literal sense, trump has been unfairly prosecuted - he has never once had to stand up to evidence of his malfeasance. The prosecution with respect to trump has ALWAYS had its hands tied behind it's back by the wise and mighty American political justice system. We wouldn't be in this position of incredible norms breaking if the republicans had not obstructed justice for half a goddamn decade
  9. Checking in to say that my steam deck has been one hell of a CRPG machine! I've played through all of BG3 and I'm now working through Rogue Trader, and it's an absolute delight! The latest firmware also gave a nice performance bump for using FSR to upscale games, I'm able to hit a ready 60fps in most games on medium to high settings
  10. Mfw the flood of dark money that Roberts unleashed have made a functional Congress nearly impossible. He's very effectively kneecapped every mechanism citizens had to actually get the ear of their rep
  11. Gee, it's almost like the republicans are operating exclusively in bad faith with the okeydoke of the federal court system to help them push the Overton window even farther right. The courts may not be helping trump personally, but they have been THE mechanism by which they have fought their culture war against our civil rights.
  12. Lmfao this guy thinks the supreme court isn't just out to make policy change through rulings. They've had several fact-optional cases and rulings now to enforce republican dogma. It ain't gonna fucking stop
  13. Judging from the number of painfully ironic thin blue line punisher stickers I see, it's going to be a loooooong and bloody road.
  14. Ftfy. Popularity doesn't matter for dick in this country. It's all about favor with the oligarchs and how much you can pack and crack votes
  15. Just had to wait until it became unprofitable to treat women like chattel for the slightest of objections to be heard
  16. Fascoanarchist is an oxymoron lol. Fascists want there to be a hierarchy and systems in place, just not ones based on laws or good jurisprudence. Anarchists want no system or hierarchy whatsoever
  17. the attorneys representing the business owners found some streetcam footage of the cop "dodging a dog"
  18. Sure is convenient for tesla that they've been allowed to kill and injure so many people in the name of progress while ignoring known flaws like failure to properly handle emergency vehicles.
  19. no, those homes would get bought up by private equity and hedge funds and rented back for 1.5-2x the monthly mortgage. Lmfao at thinking that families would be the beneficiary of literally anything in our financial system
  20. lulz are yall just reposting shit from the twitter replies on GRUhorn's tweets? I swear, there's a weird hivemind of rhetoric from the crypto space
  21. Inb4 the supreme court gives us another Calvinball ruling that finds that social security is actually unconstitutional
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