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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. I've seen a Waymo data collection rig on I-45 a couple times driving between Dallas and Houston - they're using a shitload more than just video. From what I could see, they had pods on each corner with video and radar, and spinners for LIDAR on top
  2. Fuckin idiots don't even know that we're in A Brave New World, not 1984 GAWD
  3. Crazy when I know you're describing Texas, but it's also pretty on the nose for russia
  4. Yeah the fresh injection of new money will definitely keep the music going for another cycle or two. North Korea is one of the biggest winners with the potential BTC price moonshot
  5. I think it's rent and housing costs underpinning the inflation. Since PE firms have been buying a plurality of the single family housing market, it's been driving down inventory while spiking costs for individual buyers, and the investment purchases are turned around and rented at a profitable rate. People need more money to pay to have a roof and bed, so they demand more pay, which gives firms the reason to push prices up at accelerated rates. The housing market has always been the invisible hand controlling the greater economy, and individuals are getting muscled out by the investor class
  6. It's now a legal fact that our public utilities don't have an obligation to provide electricity during a future storm. Consumers have zero recourse for when power generating firms decide to negligently ignore maintenance and seasonal preparation. https://www.kut.org/energy-environment/2023-12-15/texas-power-plants-have-no-responsibility-to-provide-electricity-in-emergencies-judges-rule This week, Chief Justice Terry Adams issued the unanimous opinion of that panel that “Texas does not currently recognize a legal duty owed by wholesale power generators to retail customers to provide continuous electricity to the electric grid, and ultimately to the retail customers.” The opinion states that big power generators “are now statutorily precluded by the legislature from having any direct relationship with retail customers of electricity.” ... Now, this recent opinion leaves the question of who, if anyone, may be taken to court over deaths and losses incurred in the blackout.
  7. If you go to x.com you are redirected to twitter.com. The website is still Twitter lol
  8. NYT with some excellent reporting on the Dobbs fuckery and outright lying to the public by the justices https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/15/us/supreme-court-dobbs-roe-abortion.html The article goes into the discussion on if they'd take the case, but it's fucking striking that on January 8th, 2021 they were debating wether or not to take the case and Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas planned to mislead the public on if they'd take the case that term or not. Gorsuch approved the majority opinion literally 10 minutes after he first received it. They never fucking planned to hear any merits or legal facts. They just wanted to put women in their place. Two days after a violent fascist insurrection attempt, they were more worried about taking away women's rights than anything else. Let that shit fucking sink in.
  9. Your link is "real household income", real meaning "adjusted for inflation" Yeah I derped on the post and left the edit for that reason. But wages are not growing at the rate of the US economy - real GDP per capital (so no bamboozles, link) has grown from $50k/pp $67k/pp - that's a 34% growth. Wages ain't growing like the economy is - but the wealth of our oligarch class IS growing proportionally to the US economy.
  10. There is absolutely not more upward mobility basically since the 2008 financial crisis. Median incomes have been absolutely consumed by inflation. Household median income was $67,000 in 2000 (link) - that comes out to over $120k in today's money. Today's household median income is only $75,000. It's 37% off of inflation. And yet, markets are at all time highs and profits are better than ever? That's not the bottom rising into the middle. That's the bottom falling out of the middle as the top skyrockets away. EDIT: I just realized that chart is adjusted dollars, so egg on my face for that. Whoops. Point still being, median wages have not grown at the rate of the overall US economy and GDP growth
  11. You're so close to describing the massive inequality of wealth we see today. Sure the COVID recovery has been good, but wage earners are basically back to where they were before (which is not great) while the investment class has been reaping massive gains and buying up housing to turn around to rent to the wage earners at inflated prices. Companies are going gangbusters, but flesh and blood people aren't getting any of that trickle down action.
  12. I think it's more MBA toddlers that see their IP as just numbers in a ledger doing the "well if I can't exploit the shit out of this playerbase and goodwill, NOBODY can!" There's probably some placs that will get them a chance at a marginal increase in return on investment, so it's the signal to burn it all down
  13. You gotta stop repeating that "MAGA ain't doing shit". Trump's judges are getting credible death threats. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/judge-engoron-staff-death-threats-antisemitic-attacks-1234894395/ Unless your standard is: "it's only bad if there's blood spilled", MAGA is certainly doing shit. You try threatening a judge and let me know how seriously they take it.
  14. Something tells me that SCOTUS wouldn't entertain this argument for anyone but trump. It's incredible how far they're happy to torture verbiage and logic just to give trumpco the air of credibility. This is the same tactic of bringing a bunch of specious cases that are treated seriously that fuels more uncritical and specious cases - just like how we saw with the attempt to subvert the election. The court's failure to promptly and LOUDLY rule against trump and to happily legitimize the fascistsoc bullshit is a lasting indictment against our legal and justice system
  15. I mean, we "broke" it back in the 70s and 80s what with all the bloody state sponsored regime change. We'd sure as shit better chip in on fixing shit, otherwise we're going to continue to have fodder for republican border crisis rhetoric. Which is of course, why the republicans oppose doing anything to right past wrongs.
  16. When you think about it though, E3 just didn't make sense. Companies could spend millions on a keynote and booth space - OR - they could just do a live stream from their office for $0 and get the same level of engagement online
  17. But I have it on good authority that their pedestrian and emergency vehicle smearing autopilot is all very legal and very cool
  18. Sheeeit voted for the leopards eating faces party and is now shocked that his face is in danger of being eaten by a leopard
  19. Fascists don't give a fuck about whatever lever they're using to exert power against their "under" groups. It's historically consistent for fascists to find something and abuse and weaponize it to their own ends. And the second they're defeated on it, they'll move onto the next angle to keep trying to realize their preferred ends. You can't fucking take anything they say seriously - it wrongfoots any meaningful attempt to contain the damage they can do.
  20. you should check out amazon's new Q agent thing in the console - it's basically a LLM chatbot connected to the AWS docs, whitepapers, and Q/A pages for RAG to populate and document responses. It's pretty dang good in my experience, if nothing else for searching the docs for me lol Edit: lulz I just realized there was a reinvent talk on building a a SAaas (Solutions Architect as a service)
  21. This is a pretty crazy look into fartys inner thought process. By his framing, all (D)s are pure takers that do not contribute to society, and political power is driven through high birth rates. It's just pure, uncut right wing talking points, and he is so fundamentally intellectually dishonest he'll never admit as such.
  22. It'll be as good as the documented cases and examples of multicloud/hybrid workloads. Which are few and far between to the level of detail needed to author a decent solution. I don't see architecting solutions going away - there's as much an art as there is a science to navigating the business needs and balancing those against the sets of technical tradeoffs that you make in the design phase. IMO I think when the dust settles it'll be a useful tool to sift through loads of options, but it would be unwise to just full send whatever it comes up with - nevermind the need for maintainability and feature development on those solutions. IMO multicloud is infinitely worse than hybrid though - you end up designing against the most common denominator of features and lose access to much of the promised efficiencies of the cloud. Data transfer costs alone between the different clouds is gonna eat up a decent chunk of development budget
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