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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Oh there's absolutely culpability on Alaskan Airlines - it seems that their maintenance procedure for the pressurization errors was to clear the error and keep on flying. They've been known to have poor maintenance practices too. But the airframe in question was delivered to them as an airworthy certified plane in November 2023. A plane that new should NEVER have those sort of problems that early on. A lazy, or more likely, undermanned maintenance and inspection team could definitely skip this every now and then, because "it's not like they'd deliver us a broken plane right?" Alaska is lucky as hell that nobody was seriously injured, because their ass was in the wind on this one. Boeing however is fuggity fucked. Ain't no """pilot error""" causing bolts to be missing and under torqued coming off the Boeing lines to customers. The fact that multiple airlines have found the same errors on their airframes is STRONG evidence of deep and systemic issues in Boeing
  2. yeah but what if you deepfry it first?
  3. With no fucking opinion to clarify their reasoning either. The supreme court is wiping its ass with the basic concept of law and jurisprudence.
  4. An interesting theory I've seen kicked around a bit is that since Spirit delivers the 737 fuselage to Boeing with the plug door in place, but not fully affixed/fastened so that Boeing can have easier access for final assembly, but that planes were worked on without removing the door, so they never got re-inspected and properly torqued before passed onto customers. A couple of loose or even missing bolts, and a simple static pressure test may not turn anything up or find failures. But put some dynamic stresses on that airframe and send it through a storm front to give it a good shake, and I could see the sort of "clean" failure that the door plug seems to have had
  5. The toxic part of today's internet is the microtargetted algorithmic EVERYTHING. A big part of what made Google so useful back in the day was that everyone got the same GOOD utility out of it, and content was not written for the sole pursuit of getting clicks from Google for selling ads. Now the Internet is mostly just SEO optimized bullshit click farm pages that put alot of ads between you and the information you're looking for. I think if we had a US GDPR that would go a long way to tamping down on the rampant microtargetting, but I'm not sure if the content ecosystem is recoverable - especially with the advent of generative AI
  6. A lot of their users moved on - that's what the last nerdrage was about. Also, I really don't understand the contempt for net neutrality. You should be charged the same for data no matter it's origin. It's a utility.
  7. Brick and mortar retail is finally catching up with the online model and using their stores as mini distribution hubs. It's definitely made the in store shopping experience worse (especially at HEB, goddamn big ass red carts) but it's allowed most every store to offer an "amazon-like" next day shipping offering. Sears is SUCH an interesting case study in a powerful business failing to keep up with the times. Those motherfuckers used to sell entire houses by mail a hundred years ago! It's crazy that they couldn't keep up with the times
  8. In name only. If every court and every case is up for grabs depending on not the established law, but the politics underlying it..... That ain't jurisprudence or regulation. That's fucking chaos and the absence of ACTUAL law. I mean yeah, you can continue to do a Pollyanna and act like that's actually a good thing - but the courts have not been a friend to democracy or civil rights for the last decade plus.
  9. Cars - or at least trucks - getting bigger has been an artifact of emissions regulations being tied to vehicle weight from the 1975 law (source). It is easier to make a car with crumple zones when you've got more room to work with, so there's been a bunch of systemic incentives to push the trend towards bigger and bigger.
  10. Andrew Fuckin Callaghan of Channel 5 News does some incredible journalism genuinely excellent field reporting and interview work of a terrible crisis
  11. Boeings CEO is an acolyte of Jack Welch, and is really following in his footsteps with destroying a formerly great American company
  12. This feels exactly like the interwar period in the early 20th century - lots of agents of chaos stirring the pot so that despots have a more free hand to do their deeds.
  13. It's really something else how some folks think that misrepresenting and occasionally making up your own facts is a "difference in opinion". You're right slorch, theres not much debate to be had when the thing being disagreed upon is what "is", and the opposing voice has no reasoning or supporting info besides "it just IS!!" Nevermind any court findings or multiple verified reports from journalistic outlets that are equivocated with some opinion piece from an extremist outlet. The Internet has been fucking awash with disinformation, and surly was particularly awful with it during COVID and the 2020 summer of love through Jan 6 when it peaked and the worst offenders finally started catching bans for their repeated bullshit posting. There was SUCH a distinct pattern and behavior of "well this link says I'm right so I'm gonna ignore EVERYTHING else". I think that history is a major part of what fueled everyone's reaction - we've seen that shit before, and it's never been in good faith.
  14. These ball spots have been atrocious
  15. I broadly agree with what the essence of your post is saying - but even when bringing other links, LHL was materially misrepresenting what those links said and doubling and tripling down. He would not listen to people pointing out what LHLs links said the opposite of what he claimed, and so people ratcheted up. He moved from one hollow assertion to another, and people replied to each failed assertion in kind. He even admitted that he did not plan to participate in a discussion and just wanted to stir the pot. It would be dog piling if it was 3 pages of everyone quoting the same post and repeating the same thing. It's not dog piling to reply to the false assertions that someone makes as they make them. I just don't understand using this dude as your example case, imma. He was not, by his own admission, there to be a "funny dickhead" or to actually talk about the issue. Just to be a dickhead.
  16. It's stain "less" not stain "proof" steel amirite? But no, 301 stainless will corrode over time when exposed to chlorides - like road salt. There are better grades of stainless that have lower carbon content and more chromium, but that's not what elmo put in his truck
  17. That's wild that war thunder is that accurate in their armor modeling lol. It's also ironic that a free to play game out of russia is helping to kill more russians
  18. They used 301 stainless steel too, which is not meant for heavy duty exterior use. If they put a clear coat on it, it'd be fine - but Tesla is rawdoggin the cyber truck. Anyone driving a cyber truck on a salted road is gonna have a baaaaad time
  19. I think Imma got the reaction he did because he was validating LHL's performative victimhood, which has really become a fucking drag on discussions in general. Any time someone gets pushback, they have a lazy out to just say "boo hoo mean old CR slime" and the site owners take them seriously. It's enabled so much bad faith posting and echo chamber crap because everyone has decided that "the CR must be bad because everyone says it is", and it's used to shut down discussion when folks are just too lazy to defend their lazy positions
  20. You're right, SIs decline was purely political and had nothing to do with the changing habits of their readership or their short term optimized business plan.
  21. I'll be damned, Robb County has convened a grand jury to consider charges for law enforcement officers who sat idle during the massacre https://www.uvaldeleadernews.com/articles/grand-jury-begins-examining-robb-school-investigation/ From the article it seems that since the county attorney handles misdemeanors, this GJ is (presumably) only considering felony charges. I am thankful to see some actual accountability coming.
  22. Just to reply directly to this: there's nothing "toxic" in page 1 and it's all well sourced discussion including direct quotes of the governor. Youre trying to do the same LHL did in just posting a headline and ignoring that reality doesn't back you up. And then getting weirdly self righteous about it, of course.
  23. A business group living it up quarter to quarter while ignoring the long term instability they're accruing? Something like that would never happen! The linked article includes the seeds of their downfall: Cutting expenses (read: paying for fewer writers) while amping up advertising monetization (replacing now missing/thin content with ads) sounds like a quarter or two of good money, and then nobody will want your enshittified product anymore
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