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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. I know you’re right, treason is one of the crimes I don’t think Trump has credibly committed yet but give him time.
  2. I see we’re at the espionage is treacherous but not technically treason discourse.
  3. Remember when Trump leaked classified intel to Russians in the Oval Office. You would hope this raised some flags among our counterintelligence officials. ETA: Source https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html
  4. Multiple people are going down, Trump didn’t do this without help.
  5. Well, first we don’t know who stabbed Rushdie. It’s probably an Islamic extremist and if that’s the case, it doesn’t align with the right-wing extremists (white christofascists/anti-government) this thread was intended. I was mistaken before when I said this thread was topical for right wing Muslim violence.
  6. DeSantis can’t win the nomination if Trump runs. We are likely going to have at 10+ Republicans run for the nomination. If one of them is Donald Trump it’s over.
  7. Theoretically there can’t be Jewish Nazis but I’m sure they have a violent right wing too. My choice of words was poor.
  8. I tend to agree with this. Christian Nazis should not be confused with Muslim Nazis.
  9. He is banned from Twitter thank god..but the narrative and media manipulation still persists. The problem we have here is the same one we had during the Russia investigation. The DOJ/FBI has no obligation or responsibility to create a media counter-narrative and the democrats can’t create a credible counter-narrative without transparency and cooperation from a non-partisan DOJ/FBI. Trump spent much of his time in office subverting the credibility of both the DOJ and FBI.
  10. I mean, this guy is well hated in the right-wing Muslim world so I dunno. Probably
  11. Perhaps letting Trump skate on obvious crimes has been the bigger crime all along.
  12. They don’t have to defend it when they don’t believe it in the first place. We’ve seen Trump praise Nazis in public, we’ve seen him side with Putin over America in public. Trump’s supports do not believe these things happened. Yuri Bezmenov out front should have told you. No amount of facts or observable information will break their support.
  13. Time to resurrect the Uranium One conspiracy theory… blows dust off 2017
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