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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. Lol told you so. There will be another excuse to let this seditious traitor skate after the election.
  2. Y’all are crazy if you think Fox News is going to abandon their golden cow.
  3. They are not. They are among the more likely to align with the fash. Same goes for “the church.” However, it’s hard to look at the fascist movements of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco without the backdrop of the 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia and and the global labor movement of the time.
  4. I want to agree with this but Trump’s movement is much bigger than he is. This is a fundamentalist movement that will never ever vote for democrats. What I’m trying to say is this movement is more anti-Democratic than it is in love with Trump. Something to watch for in the upcoming GOP primary is the stupid notion of “electability” and how it’s deployed by the media against Trump.
  5. The benevolent narrative of “western civilization” is crumbling. There is also a religious aspect to this as the Church has always wanted to preserve their biblical version of human history. With the democratization of the Internet and the freer flow of ideas, many of the assumptions society and government are based around are being increasingly challenged. It’s almost like we’re going through the fallout of the invention of the printing press and the subsequent chaos that ensued. Yay!
  6. My understanding of fascism is an ethos that’s basically, “We need to use violence to subvert the existing democracy and install our guy before X takes over democratically and reforms the system against our interests.” X can be whatever the opposition movement is. The cases of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco inform this understanding.
  7. Just like to point out every alarmist about Trump and his movement was 100% right. The same alarmists are still sounding alarms and still being ignored/disregarded.
  8. Jumps on some yacht and never comes back. No one will stop him.
  9. Barr was basically fired too for not going along with the election lies. Trump just asked for his resignation and Barr bounced.
  10. Wild how Trump fired anyone who wouldn’t protect him. Comey, Sessions, and Tillerson were replaced by Wray, Barr, and Pompeo respectively. Wild shit.
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