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Hugo Stiglitz

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Everything posted by Hugo Stiglitz

  1. Seems like you are assuming Republicans are more vulnerable to a third party? Voters certainly need better choices but more does not mean better.
  2. Yes, what this country needs is a third conservative party.
  3. I hope Joe Biden runs again. He’s doing a great job.
  4. Let me guess, “loner gunman acting completely independently?”
  5. Season 2 episode 9. The Five on the grassy knoll was aware of the Sparrows. Might even be the Sparrow version of Five.
  6. The existence of The Commission likely means there are multiple worlds. Because how do you know what the correct timeline is if you don’t have another one to deviate or synchronize with? I’d speculate there is at least an Umbrella world and a synchronized/deviated Sparrow world.
  7. You are probably right but the Soviet tanks are slowly rolling west. Putin has already proven he can do plenty of damage without bullets. Shit still sucks. Maybe Trump will fix everything in a few years when he’s un-democratically elected President again (pours gasoline all over body, lights match).
  8. Not looking forward to the civil war as Putin marches across Europe. This timeline sucks.
  9. It’s impossible because there are still too many known unknowns. Hazel is a big question mark for me. Five even says he was the last “known unknown.” My theory is he’s directly connected to Luther somehow (Could be his father or son). At best, we are only getting half the picture at this point so no one is supposed to understand everything. You are supposed to feel lost at this point.
  10. I mean, their both independent of each other but the themes are similar. Quantum entanglement held together by love and hate.
  11. In theory, every form of government is doomed at inception.
  12. I think this is half right. Democracy never truly existed for the United States. Moves were made towards it but the original designers of the experiment did not create a democracy where all people were actually free.
  13. First scene of the last episode of the first season. the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end.
  14. I’d also contend that Sloane’s baby is Abigail Hargreaves Some of the theoretical time narrative appears to be borrowing from DARK (another Netflix series about trying to stop the apocalypse through time travel).
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