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Everything posted by Stilicho

  1. There's a goddamn disclaimer at the bottom of the first page of the memo that reads: CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty officers and NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A number of factors can affect the accuracy of the record, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation, The word “inaudible” is used to indicate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.
  2. NPR amended their story earlier tonight. If this is the same source, then yeah. This is bogus.
  3. Oh. I must have misunderstood what the word "partial" means in the link you provided. I must have also misunderstood all of the words written after CAUTION: on the bottom of the first page of said link.
  4. They don't care. About any of this. Your average American Republican cares only about money, status, superiority, and cruelty. Where they find themselves on the current socio-economic ladder determines which category pegs out their "give a shit" meter. They're enjoying all of this.
  5. If you asked, I assume their answers would be "brown", "tacos", and "Speedy Gonzales" in various different orders.
  6. "I didn't care for aggy until all you lunatics went off the deep end. Pass the jizz jar!"
  7. In all fairness to Pence, "standing next to" is not his usual position when it comes to Trump's desk. He may be telling the truth.
  8. Better game day coach than David Cutcliffe. Better recruiter than Steve Addazio.
  9. Since we seem to disagree, you can always answer my question upthread concerning what a great waste of tax payer dollars the Mueller investigation is. Or you can continue to randomly show up after the SCO tweet, like a shark to chum, and defend Glorious Leader at the first possibility that he’s not Dumb Fat Nixon.
  10. You're legitimately arguing about $2.8 million as a "taxpayer waste"? When our government is shut down over a $5.7 billion fucking bouncy castle?
  11. That's what makes it cool. Speaking as an older millennial of course.
  12. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/17/mueller-probe-could-turn-a-profit-thanks-to-manafort-assets.html
  13. Check your meter brother. Or maybe I need to check my meter. Or Pinot intake. Or something.
  14. Maybe. He did lament the fact that he couldn't drive to the border and murder a bunch of poor people trying to escape hell for a better life (a hell that, funny enough, the United States government perpetrated in the first place). He may troll the AOC thread and try and laugh about the demons he dumped on the doorstep of PanchoChat. But I'm pretty sure he's a fucking lunatic piece of shit. Though with will tailored Texans jerseys and the respect for black folk who read Financial Times.
  15. Define "colossal waste of tax payer money". I'm thinking WALL, but I'm sure you're thinking of the repeated trips to Trump Properties prior to the government shutdown. Right?
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