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Everything posted by Stilicho

  1. I think we’re about to get a talking to about magazines, clips, and ballistics.
  2. “Unlimited ammunition” ”unlimited” ammunition unlimited “ammunition” Which one strikes closest to the truth?
  3. The oil patch, the church, and Fox News.
  4. They’re trying to indoctrinate anybody that gives the time of day.
  5. So Prigozhin is staying in Bakhmut beyond May 9th only at gunpoint?
  6. That might be their honest answer. “Woke” being defined as “anything diverse” seems to be their aim. Why they won’t just say “woke = people thinking they should be equal,” I’m not sure. They’ve abandoned most of the other dog whistles for pure, uncut bigotry. Seems odd they’re holding onto this one so tightly.
  7. Make-believe cowboys need make-believe indians. You can do just about anything so long as you convince folks its only going to happen to someone else. Poor foreigners who are poor and foreign make for easy boogeymen.
  8. Are there any non-political prisoners that haven't been volunteered for Wagner work, yet?
  9. The "originalism" argument, as far as the 14th Amendment goes, really comes down to how it was passed. They are of the view that the ratification process was illegitimate because it was pushed through Congress by a majority of radical Republicans and that it forced ex-confederate states to adopt it as requirement for readmission to the Union. The Court immediately gutted part of it (privileges and immunities clause) in the Slaughterhouse Cases (1873), just in time for the Great Compromise of 1877, where the North abandoned Reconstruction and laid the groundwork for the legality of Jim Crow. That it was intended explicitly to prevent state-sponsored discrimination is irrelevant in their eyes. The Founders didn't pass it and they'd prefer to roll back to just the first ten, namely because James Madison wrote those ten in George Washington's blood the night before Yorktown. Evidence of this comes courtesy of some Lost Cause fucker with a doctorate from Stonewall Jackson University, who will chime in that it's the only possible interpretation available. Also, dumb people are dumb and easily manipulated into viewing the 10 Commandments as being somehow directly linked to the first 10 Amendments. This bit is somewhat new to the "mainstream" (if there is such a thing), but it's been kicking around the religious SovCit and libertarian circlejerks for a while now.
  10. It's a sadistic arithmetic the Christian Taliban have working right now. We need to zealously do away with abortion because its killing unborn kids (their god cannot prevent abortion, apparently), but we need to zealously protect people's right to kill born kids (their god needs these kids as Jesus freedom martyr space ghosts).
  11. Uvalde wasn't enough and it was in the backyard. This is ransom. The cost to live in American society is the chance you and your kids might be gunned down leaving your house. Or not even leaving your house if the door is unlocked and the person with a gun is a cop. At least the guns will be safe once all the kids are dead.
  12. Which is the endgame the gun nuts actually want. The notion that they can mow down some of their leftist neighbors with their semi-auto freedom machines is one of the pillars of the conservative wet dream.
  13. The fucking tax code didn’t kick open a car door and blow away a bunch of kids at an outlet mall.
  14. So now the play is it’s really “the Left’s” fault and the answer is more institutionalization, incarceration, and… whatever “fortification” means (obviously must not mean checking for guns)? Or is it the “Deus Vult” bullshit that God’s plan requires brutally murdering kids with assault rifles?
  15. And it's not new. Patrick Henry was screaming it in his opposition to ratification of the Constitution. I can't speak for all the white supremacist / MAGA fucks / Christian nationalists out there, but I can speak for the ones I have dealt with for the better part of 40 years. All of them, to a one, bitch about not being able to drop the n bomb. They'll bring up this grievance in the most random and Kafka-esque of times (funerals, in my experience). They are angry, in large part, because they cannot use that word at a whim anymore. They're willing to fuck their own face and die poor, broken, and beholden to grifters all because of a fucking word. Smooth-brained madness.
  16. I suppose this sort of porn is still acceptable to the GQP?
  17. Toe-Eating Cats is not the weirdest threadswerve I've seen here, but it does have the best band name.
  18. Oklahoma is a fucked up place and Stitt is still a fucking lunatic. Of late, he's picked up the DeSantis / Abbott baton with the anti-woke, anti-trans, anti-PBS nonsense. I cannot imagine him coming through on this, but I was also shocked when he called out McCurtain County (to little avail). So there's hope. However, these folks actually take pride in executions, extra-judicial or otherwise. Serious question: wouldn't a habeas writ move this into federal court and postpone the execution? (Haven't reached this particular level in lawdog training).
  19. Jesse Watters has the looks of a televangelist child predator, but the inclinations of a racist serial killer. Total package. Sort of shocked he hasn't been shuffled into Tucker's spot as the nation's newest, lowest common denominator.
  20. Anyone who isn’t a red hat is ANTIFA to these chucklefucks. I guess by definition, they’re correct. If there was someone getting stomped on, and I’m not convinced there actually was, it could’ve just as easily have been a random bystander. This reads like more of their vigilante tough guy bullshit that they jerk their guns off to. They’re not bluffing about their desires to actually kill folks, true. They’ve said it out loud enough that they’ve hyped it into a sort of “cult truth,” but they only seem to act in moving vehicles or large groups with firearms. 3 on 1 isn’t enough MAGA to get the job done.
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