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Everything posted by Stilicho

  1. So... what's happening here? In my head, that's Marty McFly behind the wheel of Delorean heading straight for shitheel.
  2. Goddammit. I had a shitty Insurrection Squares joke all lined up.
  3. I really thought her and Boebert would wind up doing a whole "ten paces and pistols" routine on the House floor.
  4. Exactly. The last time I checked, you can't instantly kill someone with a book. What fucked-up irony that there is now a non-zero chance that a raffle prize for a middle school fundraiser may end up killing said middle schoolers before they leave middle school. The thought crossed my mind. I don't know most of these folks as well as my wife, but the interactions I have had with them point to trolling a longshot. I don't think the folks in charge of this thing have the required grey matter. For such a flat piece of prairie scrub, education in Oklahoma has been an endless uphill battle. Actually, it's not really a battle anymore. It's a shitty grudge match between parents trying to give their kids a better education and Mr. Ryan Walters, who continues to try and "Tex-orida" the curriculum or outright take control of school districts. Also, it is Oklahoma. See above re: grey matter
  5. Not real sure where to put this, but it's been eating on me for a bit. My youngest daughter is a 5th grader at an elementary school in the OKC metro area, where she's part of the middle school cheer squad for youth league football. This past Thursday, she brings home a flyer and raffle tickets for a fundraiser to help cover traveling expenses and uniforms and the like. Here's the flier and the raffle prizes (with all the personal identifiers white'd out) So my 11-year-old daughter is peddling raffling tickets whose prizes are all firearms. Now I've spent most of my life in the patch in western Oklahoma. I've seen gun raffles and the like before. I've never had a kid pushing those tickets or drawings though. Certainly not mine. No one else has batted an eye, but this feels all sorts of fucked up to me.
  6. This is my working theory as well. There are socio-economic factors that were in place long before Trump, but the nationalist / fascist talking points have been drilled into these people's heads for the last 50 years or so. Limbaugh's screed starting peeling away what little common sense many of them had in the early 90s. Those that weren't already racist / bigot shitbags have been more-or-less Pavlov'd into hating everyone other than themselves. Then along came shitstain. A fucking conman grifter whose life is the American Dream in a mirror darkly. These people have been howling for Limbaugh and Hannity to run for office, and then this fucking troglodyte comes along and actually does what Ma and Pa Conservative want: he runs for President on the most vile political platform since Charles Lindberg and America First. He says all of their quiet parts out loud and they love him for it. But there aren't another 80 million GQP musketeers waiting to join in the fellating of their new savior like they've been told. Turns out, a majority of Americans want nothing to do with this shitheel. They cannot hold or consolidate power through the massive nationalist movement they were promised because the other side is so vehemently opposed to their batshit insanity as if to be a part of another reality. Cognitive dissonance, for some, hurts their brains. So they pick their side, willingly leave reality, and decide that if they can't have the America they want, then they'll just burn it all down. The only endgame for most of these folks is death or prison; they have no real governing ethos that goes beyond the short-term. They don't even know what they really want, other than to make folks that don't look or sound like them to suffer. If a global pandemic and a fucking botched overthrow of the government wasn't enough to wake these people up, nothing will.
  7. Sounds eerily similar to the aggy bonfire collapse.
  8. I imagine they already have some sort crowdsourcing grift cooked up. "For a one-time* Donation of $3000, you'll receive an Official, Individually Numbered, Donald Trump Presidential Library Collector's Plate and Certificate proudly Recognizing your Home as an Official Wing of the Donald Trump Presidential Library." * - one time, two times, whatever
  9. Probably espousing the health benefits of ivermectin / colloidal silver / meth. Also probably dead from an overdose of all three.
  10. Wish there were more of you in the medical field here in Oklahoma. I have nurses that tell me the fallout from my long COVID diagnosis is because I got the vaccine. Also had more than one nurse and a nerve specialist tell me that I really need to "talk to Jesus about these problems, he helps." I thought I did the respectful thing by not telling them to go fuck themselves. Trying to see doctor these days feels like a fucking coin flip between an actual medical diagnosis or a faith healing.
  11. A MiG goes down in Michigan? Topper Harley is definitely involved.
  12. Fair point. SNW does tend to grapple with morality, consequence, and interpersonal themes much more than hard sci-fi. For me, it goes hard in the paint at trying to define the tension between the ideals of the Federation and the realities of the Federation. I thought the M'Benga / Rau / Pike episode did this extremely well and the allegory is pretty blatant to beliefs surrounding our modern experience, even if the ending to the episode was a bit ham-fisted and choppy. I too would prefer longer seasons (15ish over the old 24-26 and the new 10). I think that would allow the show to do more hard sci-fi storytelling than it does, without losing all the questions surrounding morality and idealism. Too bad Paramount seems intent on completely fucking this thing over.
  13. Power and fear, in all directions. Fear that if they lose power, they will be the subject to the same treatment they have perpetrated for... the last 400ish years? Power to ensure that those fears never come to pass, regardless of how much hypocrisy, blood, and cruelty are required. If things start to slide the other direction, the carnival barkers whip them back up into a frenzy and the process repeats.
  14. Co-written and inspired by Madison Cawthorn.
  15. Agreed with above on Lower Decks. It’s got a lot of deep cuts for Trekkies (especially 90s Trek), but it’s found its own comedic niche that really works. Character development has been very well done as well. It’s a legit standalone. As for SNW, well, I’m an early 80s kid so the best Trek, for me, was TNG / DS9. SNW is just as good if not better than the best of 90s Trek. It has been very, very good with some deep cuts of its own (i.e., a legit nod/send off to the ENT franchise).
  16. Stilicho


    Yeah. I’m in OK with a card so my tolerance is ridiculous. Had one of these before and it helped out my back / shoulder issues better than anything else I’ve ever touched, including narcotics. Tonight’s been a bit more of ride than I intended and hadn’t done much for the pain, but we’re starting that slide down now. Which is really nice.
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