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Everything posted by Stilicho

  1. I read somewhere (maybe here?) that Elon Musk = Gen X's Donald Trump. They certainly seem to run the same playbook. Also have an awful lot of grievance for fucking billionaires, real or imagined.
  2. Yeah. Certain voices are going to lionize this shitbag. He has lived their worldview.
  3. Yeah. Little more to the story above. Louisiana Kills Rape / Incest Exceptions I thought Oklahoma was a broken hellscape.
  4. Coach Senator is running off-tackle again on 3rd and long.
  5. "When California sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with them. They're bringing Scott Baio. They're bringing more AR-15s. They're morons. And some, I assume, might be good people."
  6. None of the above. I'll get mine from aggregator sites like reddit or Google News. That at least gets me to the articles, and then I'll go to the source and suss out how reliable they are. The less opinion, the better. I get all my opinions from here.
  7. I know when I think of great American presidents who brought the country together through hard times, I think of stroked-out racist shitbag Woodrow Wilson. But these are the same folks that will tell you that America alone won World War I, so again, coloring books.
  8. This a bit, right? It's either that or the bulk of your education comes from coloring books.
  9. This motherfucker instigated an attempted coup resulting in the first non-peaceful transfer of power in the history of this country. But Joe Biden...
  10. Serious question: how much of this sort of stuff penetrates Kremlin disinfo and gets to the actual Russian people? This sort of demoralizing / meat grinder ass whipping they are getting has shades of 1917 to it.
  11. Pretty sure @Biff Tannen is providing alcohol-fueled play-by-play.
  12. Why does my kid's "spiritual health need maintained" at a taxpayer-funded public school? Religious guidance, of whatever persuasion, has no business in the public school system.
  13. Freddy goddamn Fender. My man.
  14. Is Senator Coach under the impression that tanks are permitted to have late term abortions? Because they're not. These folks are way classier than I am. I would respond to every one of his questions with a follow-up concerning his tenure in Lubbock.
  15. Man. It looks like everything is a rotten house of cards with them at this point. "How are you a superpower?" seems pretty prophetic. I'm here for it.
  16. I wonder how many evangelicals, men and women, were abused as kids and if now they think that sexual abuse is just "normal evangelical behavior." I don't much care if folks are religious so long as they don't try to force me to live my life by their tenets, but religion seem to come awfully close to "grooming" when its directed specifically at kids.
  17. Trump will absolutely take a shit on Pence and Fox and himself tonight.
  18. Yep. In the mid-aughts, every rural teacher that could actually teach either went west into the Panhandle / Amarillo or south to the metroplex. We had a teacher strike in the 2018, but the oil barons and christofacists killed it without any sort of meaningful change outside of a salary increase. Now they're under siege from our own version of DeSantis, solely over woke books and teachers' unions, so that salary increase means jack shit if you get run off for assigning a book report over To Kill a Mockingbird. Everything is a priority these days, but its going to take some serious FAFO folks to just keep education from slipping sideways right now. Dumbing people down and disengaging them from civil conversation, to my eyes, is just completely antithetical to the notion of American civic responsibilities.
  19. I mean... the Oklahoma public school system is shit and has been shit for a very long time. We're having quite the Jesus Civil War about it down at the capitol these days. Never thought I would see parity in the levels of insanity between Oklahoma and Texas public education. Ten years ago, every teacher I knew worth their salt was heading south to actually make a living wage. Now it seems we're all holding hands waiting on Hale-Bopp.
  20. Who the fuck randomly texts people for fentanyl? Tabs or oxy sure, but fentanyl?
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