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The Marsellus Wallace

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Everything posted by The Marsellus Wallace

  1. You sound like a Dick. But before you skin that smoke-wagon, If you know your music, you'll know that's not meant as an insult. Paul Revere's (of Paul Revere & The Raiders) honest-to-God last name was "Dick." Paul Revere Dick. I shit you not, it's on his birth certificate. BTW, he couldn't change the shape of things to come either, he died in '14.
  2. . . . with a passion hotter than a thousand suns. Go get 'em, RD!
  3. It was ever thus. And it's not limited to football; there's war . . .
  4. Agree completely, but it was football in February. Hope it comes back. Doubt it, but hope springs eternal . . .
  5. You mean the Blazing Saddles Ranch Style Beans bowl.
  6. Since when has knowing what your're talking about been a prerequisite for posting on here?
  7. Wonder why his two boys didn't play here?
  8. There were a few "well, now we can fire Shaka" comments upthread, but maybe I'm looking at it a little differently: Not having to face the inevitable beatdown by Tech and the resultant failure, yet again, to make the tourney MAY let ol' Worse-than-Weltlich-If-That's-Possible skate into next year. I hope not, but stranger things have happened.
  9. If only there were such a thing as a worldwide network of connected computers one could use to find the answers to questions like this one, instead of having to show one's ass posting inane questions on a message board. Alas.
  10. He meant, "Is this streaming somewhere FREE?"
  11. Yeah, and don't forget Loni Anderson's tits. They ought to be bronzed somewhere in Washington Park.
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