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Wulaw Horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Wulaw Horn

  1. I’d have sent him. Hope the catcher pulled a Gary Sanchez.
  2. He hit it hard in AB #1 and Semien made a good play.
  3. Just texted this to andrew. Need to do some research before my next pod, but feels like he alternated God mode and pretty lousy in his career in the playoffs.
  4. Good zone by the ump so far. That’s the right answer for pretty much anything.
  5. Difference right now is defense. They made two good plays on Bregman and Tucker. We failed to make a couple plays by Abreu.
  6. Welp roof ducked us. That’s an out otherwise.
  7. By simpletons. They had 10% of the resources the other teams had. And then the redsox became that org with more than 2 nickels to rub together and won 4 in 13 years. And the Astros and what we’ve built. But sure retreat away. We won 90 games this year and made the playoffs on day 161. Very auspicious start. it certainly makes sense to rely more on gut feelings then probabilities. don’t mind me I’m just going to hit this 16 against a 6 for the dealer. I’m sure I will end the night with a bunch of chips.
  8. How about this: Epstein, Luhnow, dodgers dude, Braves dude and click being the champs since 16- only non metrics and non geek to win in the last 7 years is dumbrowski.
  9. Metrics just built the best organization of the last generation. Cool to see our new Gm jointing with Bagwell and a bunch of others in dismissing the entire concept of making the decision with the best probability of success. I’m sure that is sustainable going forward and a great way to make decisions and build a team. Glad we have that cleared up.
  10. Probably. Would like to see him run the table (as long as it doesn’t hurt us) but they aren’t very good and will find a loss or three along the way.
  11. It’s her fault for getting married during football season. Fuck around and find out.
  12. From ESPN for Helo. Not that additional data ever changes his mind: What has surprised us: Call this a non-surprise surprise, but boy does Baker love catcher Martin Maldonado. Statistically, Maldonado is the worst postseason hitter in history among those with at least 150 plate appearances. His framing metrics were among the worst in the game. He had a terrible season throwing out base stealers. Yainer Diaz is a much superior offensive player, had a much better rate throwing out runners and the Astros had a better record when he started at catcher than Maldonado -- .619 winning percentage versus .534. But Baker trusts Maldonado, and the veteran got all four starts against the Twins (Diaz got one start at DH). At some point the Astros may need more offense. Will Baker be willing to sit his guy?
  13. We are giving big middle fingers to the hateful 8, the losers left behind on our get the hell out of here tour, and the next two weeks are weird- because instead of playing insignificant pissants from irrelevant places we’ve shared this dumpster fire of a conference with for 25 or so years, we are playing even more insignificant pissants that joined up because this was the best that they could do. We share some history with UH. We were incredibly happy to get the hell out of playing in a conference with them when we left the SWC, and they get to take a putative step up because we are leaving. Basically, UH sucks. I mean, occasionally they will have his football teams but it’s a second rate institution of questionable higher learning, in the ghetto, where everyone commutes to school and then heads back to their parents basement when the school day is over. They are petty and absurd dipshits who once built an erector set when their pissant stadium couldn’t accommodate more than 13 people wanting to watch a game there. Once upon a time they had groundbreaking teams, now they merely have an active lush for a coach, a shitty roster, and nothing compelling or interesting about them. guys, I’d like to spit fire here and mock and riddle them but it’s not even fun to punch that far down when you are talking about the try hard from the wrong side of the tracks that’s just a total mess. I hadn’t thought about Uh football in 30 years and I’m not about to start now. I’m choosing to treat this mentally as an insignificant non conference game against a crappy opponent and go from there.
  14. Might kill Jimbo (literally) and solve aggy problem.
  15. If the sec switches to 9 conference games they might have some bigger loss seasons.
  16. You are a dumbass. As always. Go look at the numbers over 400 PA for Diaz v maldy and Chaz v Dubon. Also realize the better defensive players are Diaz and Chas. Or better yet, don’t opine on shit you have not even the most passing familiarity with.
  17. https://www.crawfishboxes.com/2023/9/12/23871009/the-astros-are-historically-good-when-yainer-and-chas-start-at-c-and
  18. Have a little fun with internet posters, talk about narrative vs process, and smack around the rangers. Plus, I learn a new song that came out in 2005. Spotify: https://spotify.link/DkN03X1vSDb Amazon and apple will be up later, just like always.
  19. Have a little fun with internet posters, talk about narrative vs process, and smack around the rangers. Plus, I learn a new song that came out in 2005. Spotify: https://spotify.link/DkN03X1vSDb Amazon and apple will be up later, just like always.
  20. Also habib said float when we were up 35 this morning. Now at 18 up. Bet your ass it’s time to lock.
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