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Wulaw Horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Wulaw Horn

  1. Guy that can put the bat on the ball? try staying out of a DP assholes.
  2. Because he’s not commanding the strike zone and he’s playing with borrowed money right now. No need for it. The bullpen is perfectly capable of shutting this shit down.
  3. Phew. mid Dusty sends him out for the 6th he needs to be electroshocked.
  4. Fucking arsonist up. Just give him a clean inning. Hell, bring nerris in with guys on base. He only feels alive pitching with traffic or when he cuts himself.
  5. Nope. Need Javier to not give up runs and Dusty not to push his luck with him.
  6. That’s probably because you aren’t a cunt.
  7. Almost like he’s been terrible all year as an Dah, he’s a rookie and getting jerked around and gotten 4 AB’s in the last 2 or 3 weeks. Weird I was expecting 3-4 with a bomb.
  8. OF course- we should by all means deflect from Dusty's shitty lineups, right?
  9. Dusty gonna Dusty. We went from the smartest organization in baseball to the dumbest over the last 5 years
  10. I don't know. I suspect that the penalty would disproportionately affect rookies, and a guy that has "loses focus" stamped all over his scouting report would suffer more than most. I don't think it's truly a 400 point difference (because that's insane) but it wouldn't surprise me- in his case- if it's something like 80 or 100 points. Which is pretty significant, of course.
  11. It was chump change too. Like 1M a year more than uncle D wanted to pay.
  12. It goes beyond small sample size. I posted an article on the Dh penalty. It’s real. If you wanted to draw up a person it would disproportionately Affect that person is likely yainer.
  13. What’s awesome about that is Yainer hits like 600 ops as a DH. So we will have not one but 2 Maldonado’s playing next game. So, that’s nice. We scored 8 runs. He has one of the rbi. I think you misspelled maldonado again in talking about people who suck and are worthless.
  14. Altuve’s money will go to extending Altuve. He’s already on the books at like 28M per. Just like Bregman is making 30 per. All you have to do is add years, they aren’t getting an actual raise. Framber was the best pitcher last postseason, our best pitcher this year and undoubtedly top 10 in the league. We have nobody else capable of acting as an ace. But sure, cast that aside. Just so long as Dusty and Maldy can come back in 24, right?
  15. So, your deal is you just like the shitty players on the team and not the good ones right? And this isn’t a bit? You ride for maldonado and Dubon and that fucking shithead nitwit Dusty while talking about not re-signing Framber and other assorted dipshit nonsense- is that about right? Did I miss some thing?
  16. Apparently he and Bregman are basically as good as there has ever been at picking up pitch tipping outside of all the trash can nonsense.
  17. We should probably not fuck up 2024 by having a drooling idiot for a manager so hopefully Dusty is gone.
  18. She absolutely loves maldonado. I will allow it.
  19. Podcast 30- where we put in perspective just how amazing this Astros post season run has been, talk about Carlos correa and what he meant to the Astros franchise and then talk about some blown strategy by Dusty Spotify: https://spotify.link/5jNPvAG0KDb Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/8...-tied-1-1?ref=dm_sh_6qJ4VUrSH6MSXE89otvzYv9U8 apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breathing-orange-fire-a-houston-astros-podcast/id1683955456?i=1000630648920
  20. So glad we got that AB for maldy there Dusty you fucking fuck.
  21. Over. If you made that number of starts I might bet under.
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