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Everything posted by AnotherUTFan

  1. Thats because we hate the Dodgers. I moved to San Francisco and we still hate the Dodgers here too. [emoji1787]
  2. I had posts here a few years ago about a 68 J45 i bought locally for $1,500. I ended up trading it in on my Hummingbird. The dealer was pretty fair on the trade in. He told me that he'd get somewhere between $1700 and $2k for it and offered $1,300 plus came down on the Hummingbird to make it work. Those are the years with the valute at the headstock.
  3. I have 3 Drip Edge (black face circuitry) Fender amps, all '68, and a '65 Deluxe Reverb. In all honesty, I cant hear the difference in the Reissue and the the real thing. A little bit, but not much Point to point wiring vs PCB is another discussion. Also, some of the Feder reissues are like "Reissue Custom", or something similar. That means they have the vintage looks, but are hot rodded versions of the original. Not saying thats bad, they can sound great if thats what you're after, but they don't sound vintage.
  4. That's actually a great marketing idea. Every few months my rep there checks in to see of there's anything I'm thinking of buying. They've figured out how to get us to tell them. I would not be surprized if they follow up a few months later with a inticer.
  5. There's a JCM800 in my practice space that I play through sometimes that is just incredible sounding. I dont know the variables over the years, but I'd happily trade my 1987x for one that sounds like this one. For one reason, my 1987x doesn't have a Master volume so it has to be cranked loud to get the sound Im after. I can dial in nice Marshall crunch with that JCM800 and not even need earplugs.
  6. I did some work on a Twin Reverb for Foggy a few years ago. Instead of a rectifier tube it had this plug covered in silicone. A little research and I figured out it was a home made solid state replacement for that tube. A Solid State rectifier sounds cleaner and more piercing. Back in the day they were all about that bright, clean headroom and thats what Fender spent the 70's chasing. Guy coulda saved himself the trouble for $17 at Stewmac. https://www.stewmac.com/electronics/amps/tubes-valves/tube-amp-doctor-solid-state-rectifier/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=2021-08-gp&gclid=CjwKCAjw4KyJBhAbEiwAaAQbE1irivsepGZlyIvYrwgquLdfDhrpKLLr9YcUb7aLmrLkDcrJybRwPBoCBQkQAvD_BwE
  7. The 64 looks great Foggy. Nice job.
  8. That reminds me, I wish they'd bring the circles back and make them permanent. That was an awesome park experience.
  9. I sent this to my cousin who is a professor at UGA. She replied:
  10. Just listen to him struggle for breath while "healthy". That's how I felt when I had the mild COVID. Lucky bastard!
  11. As I recall, during the debates one of them said they wouldnt get a rushed Trump shot based on the administrations word that it was safe, but qualified that they would take it of Fauci did so.
  12. I mean, what the fucking fuck? Is this the new angle? I 1st heard Sarah Huckabee Sanders use this a couple of weeks ago.
  13. I think a company like Wildwood is in a position to step up.
  14. Fuck. Glad I got while the getting was good.
  15. I was thinking that just today. That's a hell of a rhythm section right there.
  16. I have family in Waco, most unvaxinated. Its infuriating. This was sent to me today by another family member who is equally frustrated. They've now got refrigerator trucks in Waco, TX to store all the bodies. Maybe they should just refrigerate the silos.
  17. Yes. You can fill out your mailed ballot and drop it off or complete a new ballot on Election Day. I’m in the same city/county as you. My local voting place is a nearby Fire Station.
  18. There is a photo of Charlie in Keith's autobiography "Life" that contains a caption that simply reads "The bed that I lay on" or something similar. Its all he had to say. Throughout the whole book its apparent how much he looked up to Charlie. Today is probably the toughest of Keith's life.
  19. This one's gonna hurt for a while. A giant.
  20. I had a conversation with the local Gibson rep about this a couple years ago. He says Walnut is the tonewood of the future because rosewood and certain mahogany is getting so scarce. I heard that as buy rosewood and mahogany while you still can.
  21. Around that same time, a very young AUTF was growing up in San Diego where Mr Ray Kroc owned the local MLB team. Every Sunday the ticket stub was worth a free Big Mac if the Padres won. Of course they never won, the Padres never win. If it was a double header on a Sunday it was still worth a Big Mac, even if they lost both. Luckily there were a lot more double headers in those days. A Big Mac is still a guilty pleasure; A comfort food. I can't think of a single promotion that's ever been as successful with me personally. 45 years later and I still a sucker for a Big Mac.
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