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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. Agreed. Though I haven't seen any comments from leading Democrats about her faith. I've only seen negative views about how she'll likely overturn Obamacare (and Roe) and imperil the healthcare of millions of citizens, and that's fair game.
  2. Not only did they pack the court, they reduced it to 8 justices for nearly a year. If they can reduce the number of justices for political purposes, Democrats can and should expand the number.
  3. Democracy is facing an existential threat right now. We can worry about it haunting us 25 years from now, 25 years from now. Though I'm curious of the basis for that assertion.
  4. I'm for separation of powers. I just want to alter the make up of one of the powers, as allowed by the Constitution.
  5. I would add that Republicans effectively reduced the number of justices from 9 to 8 for the bulk of Obama's last year in office.
  6. I agree with regards to Biden and elected Democrats. I think it's pretty safe to discuss it on an obscure football forum political board without tilting the election for Trump.
  7. Thought this deserved its own thread as this will soon be the defining political issue of our time. Assuming Barrett is a fait accompli, the question will be how Democrats respond should they take the Senate and WH. Do they dispense with the filibuster and add two, four, or more SC seats? I heard a podcast yesterday where doubling or even tripling the number of SC justices was entertained based on the view that the court would be less politicized and ideological if a nomination was unlikely to significantly sway the court's ideological composition. Likewise, how realistic is adding PR and/or DC as states and what are the pros and cons? A 6-3 court could potentially overturn any major Democratic legislation for decades if Democrats do not add justices. What's the point of holding the trifecta if your major legislation is repeatedly shot down by the SC. I don't see the advantage of adding two seats versus four as two only gets you to a 6-5 minority. Republicans are going to scream and howl regardless of the number, so might as well go for the 6-7 majority IMO. Same for adding DC and PR as states. Again, Republicans would scream bloody murder, but fuck em and their insincere protestations. The fear of course is that the traditionalists/moderates in the Democratic party will sabotage these efforts for fear of upsetting "bi-partisanship" and the way things have always been done. In my view, any Democratic member of the Senate/House that doesn't go along should be primaried. I'm tired of scared milquetoast Democrats too afraid to fight fire with fire. Some fear that Republicans will respond in kind should they ever win the trifecta again. However, there are no conservative states they could add, so adding DC and PR is a no-lose proposition. Likewise, it wouldn't be a bad thing, IMO, if Republicans add additional SC seats in the future because that would further dilute the power of individual SC seats. The more justices on the court, the better.
  8. Can you please change your god awful profile pic? That dish is fucking disgusting!
  9. Word. I practiced in San Antonio off and on for 10 years and we had some seriously terrible Democratic judges and some excellent Republican judges. However this election is about punishing anyone who aligns with Trump by having an R after their name. I won't be voting for an R again until they blow it up and start over. So straight ticket it is.
  10. I'm gonna kind of have to disagree with you there. I would feel great personal glee if Trump, McConnell, Cruz, Graham, et al. were to suffer from a severe case of the CovidheartattackstrokeAIDsseverebeating.
  11. Pyramid Apricot Ale. Used to get it all the time in SA. Now can't find it anywhere.
  12. I'm sure you're a likable person in real life.
  13. That's the thing, it was a horrible and obviously wrong take that he served to millions of gullible listeners. Biden's appearances the last month have clearly dispelled that smear all while Trump legitimately is mentally impaired. Aside from being a dick thing to say about Biden, it dangerously misinforms his listeners. That's a strike 1 2 3 for me.
  14. I liked some segments of interviews I saw a while back on Youtube with interesting non-political people. At the time I thought he sounded reasonable and thoughtful. I also like his views on cannabis and legalizing drugs. Then as I saw more of his interviewee list, I realized far more of his interviewees are these Ben Shapiro and Jordan Petersen types. Giving voice to that kind of toxic masculinity is too much for me. It legitimizes what any decent person should abhor. I guess that's the UFC machismo nonsense.
  15. You're no doubt correct. But I, like the vast majority of people, saw only highlights of it. And he looked pretty damn good. Your average voter isn't watching this stuff. Don't get too mired in the minutiae.
  16. Your mom's skin is thicker than that?
  17. That's a good breakfast, but what about lunch?
  18. Yep. I don't see the benefit of Clear anytime soon. Global Entry gives you TSA Pre-Check for 5 years for $100. Even non-TSA pre-check security lines will probably be non-existent for six months or until a vaccine, so what's the usefulness of Clear?
  19. I had to fly for work last week, Chicago to Seattle. The airports were fairly busy. Obviously nowhere close to before, but not a graveyard either.
  20. Jesus that was boring and low energy. Look at that awful family. They all deserve bad things.
  21. White House = a couple soldiers on a beach. Whatever dude.
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