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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. He also didn't say Democrat Party which is fucking obnoxious.
  2. Among many things, I'd like to see massive subsidies for wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources. Britain is up to 29% of power provided by wind and solar from 23% last year. They've had multiple days with 50% of all power consumed coming from wind alone. Provide commercial property owners large deductions and/or tax credits for significant retrofitting of buildings to make them highly energy efficient. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/dec/28/storm-bella-helps-uk-record-wind-power-generation-boxing-day
  3. I forgot about criminal justice reform. I think that is huge and should be a high priority. Within that should be the legalization of marijuana and the decriminalization of most drugs. Also end minimum sentences.
  4. What legislation do you think, and hope, will pass in the first two years? Obvious early legislation will be the $2,000 checks and covid related funding. I'd like to see $15 minimum wage, a public health care option (I'd really like MFA but doubt the votes are there), significant climate change legislation, go big on renewable energy, high speed rail, national election legislation, infrastructure, raise the gas tax, let Breyer retire and appoint a young justice. My pie in the sky dream legislation would be adding PR and DC as states and expanding the SC by 4. The latter could and should occur if the SC strikes down a lot of Democratic legislation. What else you got?
  5. Had that thought as well. Well deserved if a terrorist Trumpkin, tragic if not.
  6. It was terrorism, not just trespassing and vandalism.
  7. Yep. I have family in SLC and go there regularly. Beautiful place. Surprisingly good micro-breweries, but kind of sucks you can't get draft beer beyond 5% alc.
  8. Oddly enough, I think he'd still get re-elected in Utah if he did. Mormon conservatives are odd birds and I think their loyalty would be to him rather than his party. Plus lots of progressives are moving to SLC, not to say he'd start voting progressive even if he changed parties.
  9. Ossoff will win. Hopefully tonight.
  10. Yep. No fucks given. Just keep passing bills and bask in the inevitable improvement known as the Biden Economy.
  11. Not only that, he's a populist. Passing Democratic economic legislation that helps WV poor only helps him. He switches parties and he's hated by Democrats there and gets awarded by being primaried by a Trumpkin his next election. Lose lose. I don't see why he would switch.
  12. Two years of training under the best in the business. Let's hope the magic rubbed off. We've got a world class RB and two great young QBs. He has a lot to work with.
  13. Noticed that too. Looks like he's lost a lot of weight.
  14. I think it's sad when someone, who was otherwise a decent person, goes to prison when they do something stupid. They leave behind a family, friends, a life. But while the effects of that person's actions on them and their family is sad, that sadness doesn't justify failing to critique the stupid actions that put the person in that situation as a warning to others not to do the same. I agree with the sentiment that it should be done without cruelty to the extent it can.
  15. (No CR intended) Hopefully the invocation of the DPA will equate to a faster and larger rollout of the vaccine.
  16. Good idea on the fostering first. I'll look into that.
  17. I've been wanting to adopt a dog for a while. I haven't had a dog since I was a kid so I don't remember all that's involved in caring for one. I'd be adopting it from the local humane society. Aside from dog food and the usual medical care provided by the humane society, is there anything else it needs? I'd get a bed and some doggie toys for him/her. Anything else?
  18. Will this eventually be a stand alone app or will it always be accessed via the Communities app?
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