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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. That happened to me initially after I first signed in. I used my app killing app to kill the surly app then reopened it. Worked after that.
  2. CA is 39% latino to 6% black and has never had a latino senator. He's an obvious choice. Democrats lost some ground with latinos nationally this time around, so this may have some small impact shoring up that vote. As noted, a black woman can take over Feinstein's seat. Hopefully much sooner than later.
  3. It seems to load quite a bit slower than tapa (thus far) and embedded tweets are smaller without a way I can figure to enlarge them to make them readable for my old eyes.
  4. Don't know if this has been posted elsewhere. Video of the murderers at the scene.
  5. I really hate Tim Tebow. I'm indifferent to Florida, it's just Tebow that I hate. Everything about him is obnoxious.
  6. Holy shit! No wonder Louisiana (minus parts of New Orleans) is such a shitty state. They mock wealthy blue states for their restrictions.
  7. I have a Roku TV, so would it still make sense for me to get a Chromecast device to plug into it to run all my apps?
  8. Trump did this guy a big favor. All the other former Trump appointees will forever have the mark of shame. This guy will be seen as a hero.
  9. Now that we would have had a black man and a woman as President, it would be good to have an openly gay VP.
  10. I remember seeing Schindler's List with my dad as a young teen and it really shook me and it made wonder how good Germans could ever have supported such an evil man. Seeing modern Republicans has shaken me again seeing how they could vote for a man and a party as evil as the Nazi Republican party.
  11. What does it say about Nazi pieces of shit that would support an evil piece of shit like Trump?
  12. Which side's people are at election centers trying to intimidate the vote counters? You piece of shit.
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