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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. Huh? You can, but it certainly isn't the general rule from my experience.
  2. Orale


    Um, how about your president completely fucking up the covid response and killing 500,000+ Americans? We'll take your outrage more seriously when you acknowledge that Republicans have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with their purposeful negligence. And to be clear, Cuomo sucks and should resign.
  3. Orale


    I was at Salento March last year and really enjoyed it. It's a small town surrounded by coffee bean farms. The town itself has a surprisingly good selection of restaurants and of course coffee shops. Spend a day hiking the famed Valle de Cocora which you get to in about 15 minutes on colorfully painted Jeep taxis from the town center. Do a coffee farm tour which is really interesting and drink some great coffee at the end. You can take a bus from the big cities, but I read a lot of people had mixed experiences. So I flew from Bogota to Armenia which is about a 45 minute taxi ride to Salento. The B&B I stayed at arranged a driver for me which I appreciated because I knew the price ahead of time and didn't have to worry about getting ripped off by some random taxi driver at the airport. The drive from Armenia to Salento was pretty cool because, aside from being very pretty, my driver pointed out some of the abandoned cartel mansions. Salento is definitely worth a few days visit.
  4. Exactly. The status quo. I don't see how the evil turtle's rhetoric helps him convince the moderate democrats when he's already done all he's threatened while there's been a filibuster.
  5. I hope the "Biden Recovery" becomes a thing because it's right and secondly because it will piss off Trump and his cultists.
  6. I know you couldn't, but man it would be great if you could walk up and punch the shit out of one of those evil assholes.
  7. He's had dozens of appearances before the press where he did perfectly fine answering questions. Give me a fucking break with your bullshit.
  8. Is that one the U.S. pre bought a lot of hopefully?
  9. Yeah, as a litigation attorney I disagree. I could see counter-claims for assault etc against anti-mask Karen. Perhaps it has some nuisance suit value, but why would any non-hack attorney waste litigation expenses on taking this through the litigation process and ultimately to trial knowing there's a high probability a jury would come back in 5 minutes in favor of BB&B?
  10. There is a lot of hostility to Megan on this thread. I'm sure she's self-absorbed like most people, but in my admittedly limited following of her and Harry, she doesn't seem to have done anything to warrant this vitriol beyond perceived gold-digger status by people with no way of knowing the true nature of their relationship.
  11. Just finished season 1 of Deep State on Epic subscription. It's an international spy show about the military industrial complex trying to provoke war with Iran. It was entertaining though often unrealistic. But who cares. Something to watch.
  12. It was especially creepy at the end when they were holding the dead ducks and crying.
  13. And the bimbo's career in tv will be limited to Fox. Psaki will be sought after by all the networks.
  14. I was there at the same time and had the same experience. I did Cartagena, Medellin, Salento, and Bogota. Cartagena was too touristy for my taste. Medellin was definitely the highlight. Did y'all stay in Poblado?
  15. I like irreverant humor. So if this funny to you, well ok. I just find it a bizarre event to find humorous myself.
  16. These were 15 human beings. 15 human beings probably working for minimum wage if that 12 hours a day to make their families' lives a bit better.
  17. I've been to Portugal a couple times and absolutely love it. But isn't there a distinction between a consumer drug nation versus a producer drug nation? Legalizing drugs may reduce all the negative stuff for developed nations, but would legalization make a difference for developing nations that produce and transport drugs? I really don't know.
  18. I wonder if U.S. military operations (with Mexican gov acquiescence) would be able to drive out the cartels. Or would it just be a modern version of Viet Nam and Afghanistan.
  19. Yep, went to Acapulco a couple times in high school with friends. Was an awesome place. Wouldn't even think of going back now.
  20. I like foreign detective series. I'm finishing up a Finnish series called Deadwind. Pretty good. Shetland which takes place in Scotland is really good with beautiful scenery (actually that may be Amazon). Broadchurch and Hinterland are likewise excellent.
  21. .75 ounces? Seriously? So an airplane bottle would be a double?
  22. Yeah, that's new and I like the "pattern & practice" point he's making.
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