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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. Just my opinion, but four nights might be a bit long for Naples unless you're just using it as a base for day trips to Pompei, Almafi Coast, etc... I saw most of the interesting sites in town in a day. It's a rough place so be mindful where you're at at night.
  2. I went to some amazing parrilladas in BA and Montevideo that would blow away American steakhouses for a third of the price.
  3. Agreed on BA and would like to move there for a few months once they open up again. I enjoyed Miraflores and Barranco in Lima, but it's a bit rough outside of those neighborhoods. I went there mostly as a base for visiting Cusco and Machu Picchu. Chile is amazingly beautiful. I went to Patagonia a couple years ago and it blew my mind. Santiago has some cool neighborhoods but is mostly boring compared to a dynamic place like BA. It's a good base for seeing the rest of the country but not a place to linger. Valparaiso is very cool with beautiful old houses. Ecuador has beautiful landscapes worth seeing. I stayed in Cuenca and really enjoyed the colonial architecture. Lots of expats.
  4. I like to think of myself as a fairly eco-conscious person. But the truth is I love to travel and fly as often as I can, most frequently abroad. So I'm basically one of the worst individual polluters in the world based on air miles flown annually (for fun and not work). I use trains and buses almost exclusively when abroad, but of course flying from the U.S. requires traveling thousands of miles by air. I read recently about buying carbon offsets for an equivalent share of carbon produced on individual flights from various charities online. Some sites say this is performative bullshit that has no actual effect on the environment beyond helping frequent traveling progressives assuage their liberal guilt. Any thoughts on it?
  5. I think places like this are gross. But any Republican fauxrage about it is laughable bullshit.
  6. I was volunteering in Port au Prince, Haiti fall of 2009. I stayed a week in a 9 or 10 story building the organization had in the Petionville neighborhood. It completely collapsed in the earthquake a few months later killing a friend of mine. I still shudder whenever I think about it. /CSB
  7. It appears it was built in 1981 so there's a fair chance they're long gone.
  8. When you talk about flexibility with schedules, what you really mean is that their employers purposefully avoid giving them enough hours so that they can't accrue healthcare and other benefits. Big fucking corporate employers making billions. And many of these employees are adults with limited skills that don't have the ability to work in higher skill industries that will give them full time jobs and benefits. You say fuck them it's them own fault, free markets, Darwinism, etc... You probably call yourself a Christian and then rejoice when big corporations fuck these people out of healthcare and basic human rights to maximize corporate profits. What a fucking asshole.
  9. Exactly. I don't understand how someone can call someone seeking higher pay and/or a higher quality of life Marxism. Isn't that the free market at work? And there's a lot of elitist snobbery in this thread with folks saying that a waiter or cook is inherently only worth $2.55 an hour plus tips. The market says you're fucking wrong. And yes I'd pay $9 for a fastfood meal if I knew the employees were making a living wage with benefits. The idea that low skill workers should be content with effective slavery in the wealthiest country in the world is disgusting.
  10. Anytime there's a contentious vote, someone is making a comment. It's the implication that counts.
  11. Or their anti-war stance. Or healthcare for all. Or food for all. Or serving the poor. Or treating others as they'd treat Jesus. Fun!
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/18/us/targeting-biden-catholic-bishops-advance-controversial-communion-plan.html In other news, religions reaffirm the decisions of tens of millions to leave organized religion in recent years. I applaud this brave move. The faster we relegate religion to the dustbin of history the better.
  13. Yep. I think it was when we did a big crawfish boil.
  14. Didn't know what the hell a frat was when I got to UT. Found my way to the Tejas Club which was pretty diverse as far as male organizations go. We used to have coffee talks on Thursday evenings at the house with some pretty impressive guest speakers. McRaven came one time and impressed the hell out of me. Who know that 10 or so years later he'd lead the raid to get Osama. /CSB
  15. I hike once or twice a week. My favorite hike Honolulu side is Wiliwilinui (https://www.alltrails.com/trail/hawaii/oahu/wiliwilinui-ridge-trail?u=i). Amazing views of both sides of the Island. About 2.5 hours roundtrip and easy to moderate difficulty.
  16. Super dark and depressing. But really well done.
  17. All the billionaires are doing it!
  18. Yep. Saw him in a play many years ago in Chicago at the Steppenwolf. Pretty surreal experience.
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