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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. Ugh. I'm curious what their vaccination rates are.
  2. Orale


    Your hero Trump is a literal rapist. Fuck off.
  3. Me too. And I left a nasty post. What a dumb narcissistic cunt.
  4. Good for Lee and good for Biles having the wisdom to withdraw and give her the opportunity.
  5. I don't follow golf. Why's he considered such a dick?
  6. I get that answer, but I doubt many of the traitors had guns for fear of federal gun charges. I was really pissed when the officers didn't start shooting them as they raided the barriers. Shoot a couple terrorists at the main entry points and I bet they would have scrambled and fled real quick.
  7. There's one in my town in Hawaii. It's pretty expensive per ounce. Of course so is every other beer place in my town. I didn't really care for their selection. Not a lot of IPAs.
  8. Why the fuck are they always saying frick on that site? Is saying fuck not allowed? Fucking pussies.
  9. I wonder what chance there is the Delta has burned out by then.
  10. I was just wondering about this. Is the Delta likely to burn itself out soon or will it keep moving around until it's gotten all the non-vaxxed idiots?
  11. Considering that there's no real big dog in the SEC other than Saban, who will eventually retire, would Texas end up running the conference as the most valuable franchise by a factor of 2 or 3 compared to say Florida or Georgia?
  12. Any fishing recs for the Tamarindo area? I'll be there a couple weeks in August.
  13. Orale


    I really enjoyed the Miraflores and Barranco neighborhoods along the ocean in Lima. I think it's worth two or three nights there as an entry or exit point from Peru. There are some excellent restaurants and the ocean side is beautiful. Very upscale as far as Peru goes.
  14. You might consider fucking off.
  15. Not to be callous, but these are likely to be anti-vaxxers right? Is it so bad that they die? Obviously not applicable to children, those for medical reasons that can't get vaccinated, etc....
  16. Perhaps there's a sheep shortage?
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