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Everything posted by bamachine

  1. Bands where the bassist is the leader of the band, some dude named Gene would like a word with ya, about firing you.
  2. They have awesome scenes like the one posted but occasionally they get a little out there(jumping the shark type moments). That is the only thing keeping it from being one of my top shows.
  3. ^Right there with ya. I never go any more complex than a Zebco 33. On my rare fishing trips, it is to relax, not deal with complications with my gear.
  4. I watch it but not high on my list. It is one of the last ones I watch off the DVR.
  5. Play better teams. I sold all but 2 games from my season tix last year, a few below what I paid for them because of the suck teams were not worth the drive to go see. I am so glad they are going away from the marquee neutral openers and back to home and home series in the next few years. I understand why they did it but it sucked for those of us who actually go to the games.
  6. Nope, damned DVR at the time must have fucked me. It tried to do the same thing with last night's episode. It was set to record Ep2 but for some reason did not consider the season premiere as a first run showing, had to tell it to record it once.
  7. Good episode but did I miss something? The last episode I saw was with him in NOLA and meeting the weird chick in the bar. Looks like there was at least one more episode that I missed.
  8. Thx for the heads up. Never saw a commercial about it.
  9. Yeah, you really needed to watch that whole season and then when he rolls into the corner. It is a massive payoff.
  10. Yeah, while most of the guys were falling for Belinda, Jane was who I fixated upon, on screen.
  11. No, the vengeful brother showed remarkable restraint against the rapist. He only kicked him in the head, instead of stomping on his head.
  12. Verne Troyer was the biggest highlight of The Surreal Life(the only reality show I ever watched). Just watched the subject of this thread. They changed a few things from the book but you would need a 4 hour, at least, movie to fit most of it in there.
  13. That last one is not hood, that is life. Dude actually showed more restraint than I expected.
  14. For some reason, my DVR recorded both the HBO and HBOL versions. I deleted the HBOL version a nanosecond before thinking, should have watched to see if it was overdubbed with Spanish. It might be even more hilarious that way.
  15. Barry is a sociopath. He has no grip on what others might find important or emotional. He is trying to fit in but does not have the tools to successfully do so. He is a little different in that he is trying to become a "real boy". That leads to what we might call dickish behavior. You either love that about him or not. You can't waffle on it though. Much like watching a stand up comic that does a ton of "controversial" humor. You can't laugh when they make fun of everyone else but then when something hits close to home, hate on them for it.
  16. Thanks to you and the others who gave advice. I will catch up to the rest of you in about a decade.
  17. FWIW, I am not doing this to ever perform for others. I am now disabled, due to a blood clot I got in my leg(which blew out all the valves in my leg veins), where I have to put my feet up several times a day. I am just looking for something to keep me from going crazy and this seemed like something I could do while sitting, other than spending way too much time on here or other websites.
  18. AC/DC, Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd(all of those, prefer the 70's versions), Metallica, Def Leppard, GNR, Tesla(my favorites from the 80's), STP, Nirvana(except Smells Like Teen Spirit) from the 90's, Foo Fighters from the aughts and teens. Then a few other groups like Drivin' N Cryin', Violent Femmes, Depeche Mode. Old country, by old I mean Hank Williams, Sr, Waylon, Willie, Cash. Currently, although I do not consider either really country, Isbell and Stapleton. If I had to pick only one, Zeppelin but I doubt I ever reach the level of playing remotely close to Page. AC/DC seems a little easier to attain at least a semblance of similarity and they would be my second choice.
  19. Well, I finally joined the cult, not looking forward to the hazing. I bought my first ever guitar yesterday. I learned to play a couple of licks, back 30 years ago, on a friends rig. I got basically en entry setup, Squier Affinity Fender Stratocaster with 15W Fender amp. Now for tons and tons of practice to sound like a dying cat(an improvement over the first few hours of trying to learn one simple chord last night). It came with a month of free online lessons from Fender. I will use that but any good ideas for some free lessons? I know there are metric fucktons of videos on Youtube but I have no idea who is good at teaching an old dog like me, new tricks.
  20. Then us IT guys have to deal with the asshole. So you are punishing us also.
  21. ^I ain't about to give my neighbor a handjob.
  22. I recall playing Infamous for the first time and feeling like you do on a sudden rollercoaster descent, when you first jump off a building. That video made me a little dizzy.
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