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Hank Kingsley

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    I’ve never seen so much hate animosity in my life as I have in this section of the message boards. Literally every thread is attacks on everyone.  I’ve watched people shooting at Isis who had less hate in their hearts than you people.  I’d recommend to step the fuck away from the internet for a bit and calm down before y’all go postal and start shooting up places.   Stress will give you a heart attack 

    You're projecting. 


  2. 12 minutes ago, sidis said:

    however, effectively (and separate from issues of legality), it is the same thing...a personal, subjective judgment from a public business owner refusing to serve someone because they don't like them. 

    Wrong. The Red Hen owner SPECIFICALLY refused Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and the protesters SPECIFICALLY called out Nielsen,  two public figures that have made their hateful rhetoric known to the world.  The baker wants to refuse an entire subset of people exclusively based on their sexual preference, even if there requested purchase is a symbol of love and companionship.




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  3. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Like I said, Trump wants this fight now. It’s the only way he can rally his troops to come out and defend him in November.

    Bring it. There are a lot of Trumpkins, but it's generally a fixed number and they already vote. Time for the opposition to make a stand.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, sidis said:

    it is getting blown out of proportion and trump's reflexive reaction to it as a red meat he can grill up and serve to the base is predictable.

    however, as much as i can't stand even the sight or sounds coming from sarah sanders, the gay wedding cake/baker script is simply being flipped here and the reactions are essentially retrenching the opposite positions.  not a good look all around in my opinion for anyone except for...shockingly, sarah sanders which is crazy.  discriminating on the basis of party affiliation or employment is not a becoming slope for any of us to tie ourselves to...even if she is a disingenuous person who is actively working to undermine the united states of america.

    Think harder. And smarter. 



  5. Worth reading. 


    An excerpt: 


    One thing that people who wield great power often fail to viscerally understand is what it feels like to have power wielded against you. This imbalance is the source of many of the most monstrous decisions that get made by powerful people and institutions. The people who start the wars do not have bombs dropped on their houses. The people who pass the laws that incarcerate others never have to face the full force of the prison system themselves. The people who design the economic system that inflicts poverty on millions are themselves rich. This sort of insulation from the real world consequences of political and economic decisions makes it very easy for powerful people to approve of things happening to the rest of us that they would never, ever tolerate themselves. No health insurance CEO would watch his child die due to their inability to afford quality health care. No chickenhawk Congressman will be commanding a tank battle in Iran. No opportunistic race-baiting politician will be shunned because of their skin color. Zealots condemn gay people—except for their own gay children. The weed-smoking of young immigrants should get them deported—but our own weed-smoking was a youthful indiscretion. Environmentalist celebrities fly on carbon-spouting private jets. Banks make ostentatious charity donations while raking in billions from investments in defense contractors and gun manufacturers and oil companies. This is human nature. It is very, very easy to do things that hurt others as long as those same things benefit, rather than hurt, you. Self-justification is a specialty of mankind.


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  6. Funny how all the Trumpkins are bent out of shape about this. You wanted to DRAIN THE SWAMP, right? Right?  This is how you fucking do it. These fucking assholes in the Trump administration spew absolute abhorrent shit on a daily basis and expect no recourse.  There has been a protective bubble around D.C. for decades and the shit is hitting the fan. FINALLY. 

    Get all these Republican grifters the fuck out. Dems too. 




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  7. 1 minute ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I fall on the side that restaurants should be non partisan.  It’s their right to kick her out but do we want restaurants to all become red or blue. 


    This transcends partisan politics. It's humanity vs. inhumanity.  Good vs. evil.  We have to nip this shit in the bud RIGHT NOW. 


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  8. Look at this dumbass. 

    All of this Trumpism shit is just part of the game to the Washington elite.  They criticize Trump and his administration, get some hits/retweets, but don't really MEAN any of it. God forbid that a significant portion of the American people - that the government WORKS for - are upset with the horrible/inhumane actions and rhetoric coming from the White House. D.C. just can't have citizens fuck up their corrupt and exclusive fraternity.  

    Shame on all of these motherfuckers that don't want their status quo messed with. 

  9. This kind of shit infuriates me. 

    All of these Washington "insiders" can go fuck themselves. I don't give a shit if they're D or R. They are so far up each other's asses and most of their criticism of Trump has been completely hollow. The establishment has caused this mess, and they are not going to get a free ride if/when a Democrat is POTUS in 2020.  This shit ends now. 


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