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Hank Kingsley

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. 8 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    It's not about truth or falsity or sensationalization.  It's about the presentation of information in an  interesting and informative way.    Your standard would leave no room for editorial cartoons or anything beyond a dry recitation of facts.  Talk about playing into Trump's hands. 

    Editorial cartoons don't have to make corrections. 


    And presenting information in an "interesting and informative way" is probably why Fox News is killing it in the ratings. 



  2. 6 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    I'm with mojo on this one.  OK, so this girl didn't wind up in a kiddie kz camp.  

    What about the 2300 who did?  The ones the press can't see because they have the camps on lockdown?  I think she's a pretty good rep for them in absentia.

    GTFO with this petty bullshit.  Go jerk tiny maga dick to Melanie's coat.

    The actual truth is enough. No need to sensationalize it. 



  3. 8 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I’m sick of this shit

     MAGA fucks throw this minuscule shit in our face as if we’re not holding everyone to a higher standard, meanwhile the government with actual power lies repeatedly to us and the media about everything from safe drinking water to stealing babies.  

    Fuck getting upset about a few media errors.

    they made their correction like they’re supposed to

    I understand your frustration.

    There is a war on truth. We must fight back with integrity and sincerity.  

    TIME is just trying to sell magazines. They need to be better. 


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  4. 1 minute ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Bullshit.  That just concedes the impossible and unwarranted standard that Trump is trying to impose on everyone but state-supporting media.  The cover implies only that Trump is callous towards child immigrants. The tag line is "Welcome to America," not "Family border separation crisis."  That is a reasonable editorial statement, and the source photo is of an actual child terrorized by the border enforcement system.   Criticism of Trump's immigration policies may have just hit its peak with the separations, but it is much broader than that, going all the way back to his suggestion on the day he announced that most migrants are rapists and criminals. 

    You're playing into Trump's hands by not permitting this kind of editorial license in an image that is already a photoshop composite.  Particularly when this administration is denying media the opportunity to freely go into the ORR facilities to take pictures. 

    Then why did TIME make a correction?


  5. 17 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Did Time report that the girl was sent to an ORR camp?   If not, I'm not getting the outrage.   Donald Trump wasn't five feet from the girl either.  It's a photo composite with an editorial message about Trump's immigration policies.  This girl was swept up in immigration enforcement under Trump, and the photo was already causing reactions in the public before it made that cover, wholly apart from any indication that she was stuck in a camp.    Using a photo from the Obama era would be "fake" in this context, but that's not what happened. 

    That particular child and mother were never separated, but that's what was implied. 

    The cries of "fake news" and the war on truth from the Trump administration is a serious issue. The media can't be right only 95% of the time. One minor mistake has the effect of 50 huge errors in a Trumpkin's mind.  It's unfair, but currently what American media is facing at the moment. They need to strive for perfection when reporting anything Trump. 




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  6. Can you imagine Trump giving a concession speech? Won't happen.  

    Gonna have to hope that Trumpkins will accept the results and not believe it was rigged, assuming he loses in 2020. Frightening proposition.


  7. 2 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Exactly.  That's what these mouth breathers fail to understand.  People aren't upset because Hillary lost.  They are upset because he is the worst human being ever to occupy that office.  Everything he says is a lie and he is completely destroying our system of government.  It's not about his political views.  

    And their assumption is that if a Democrat wins in 2020 the media/liberals will defend/ignore any injustices carried out by the administration. And I don't generally believe that to be true. 

    Did the media drop the ball during the Obama administration by not properly covering their misconduct? I'd say yes.  Mistakes were made. Trump has changed all of that moving forward IMO. 

    I plan to scrutinize and keep a watchful eye on any future President, no matter what party.  The American government has been put on notice. 

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  8. Not a hidden message, but it's certainly poetic.  Not a single person in the Trump family or administration really gives a fuck about anyone or anything except themselves.  Melania is just another thoughtless, tone deaf extension of her husband. 


    It's like a person about to visit Auschwitz for the day, looking through their wardrobe and thinking, "Ha! I love this Borat shirt. That's what I'm going to wear."

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Pancho Negro said:

    I’ve said it before to friends, the MAGA rise is because white America (the MAGA part) is afraid of becoming the minority


    They have been afraid of being the minority for years. MAGA is the counter attack to restore white nationalism. 


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  10. Had an Uber driver named Jesus the other night. He was born and raised in El Paso and has 4 siblings that still live there. He works for a Methodist hospital near Katy and all 4 of his kids are college graduates. Really nice dude.

    I brought up Beto's name, and he literally had never heard of him.  Bah. 






  11. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I was actually critical of Flake there in that he’s the one with actual power.

    I like Flake because he shows promise in inspiring an alternative to Trump on the right down the road.

    We are going to need that more than ever post Trump.  I will admit he’s been more disappointing lately.

    It's clear you're an optimist...good for you, that's a healthier way to live life.  But I honestly can't believe you fall for this shit.  




  12. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    One is not like the other.

    You love yourself some Flake. He has the power to do something, but sits on his hands.  He's a total fucking fraud until he actually acts on his words. 


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