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Hank Kingsley

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. Gotta hand it to Trump. I always think I'll never be surprised by his vile, racist, desperate, and disingenuous tweets. But the prayer rug on the border tweet this morning feels like a new low.

    When all of this is over, I want to know how/why Stephen Miller became so influential. 


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  2. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    GOP voters will vote for the (R) next to the name like they always do.  

    Ted Cruz kinda proved this. 

    Trump or no Trump makes little difference 

    Anti-Trump GOP congressmen get slaughtered in 2020. A complete massacre. They all know it too. That's why they're sticking with him. 

    And Cruz had to bend the knee to Trump in order to beat Beto. 

    EDIT: And acting like we live in a time that a group of voters will act "like they always do" seems foolish. That thinking is how we got Trump in the first place. Not a single Republican primary candidate really went after Trump. Why? Because they expected Republican voters to vote "like they always do". Whoops. 




  3. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    There’s so much time left on the clock for them to redeem themselves politically.  Now is the time they can get away with almost anything and not suffer substantial election losses. 

    No one will remember this 21 months from now.

    I do not understand why you continue to think this.  In order for this to happen, the actual Republican VOTERS will have to magically abandon all of their pro-Trump beliefs as well.

    GOP congressman abandoning Trump will not make the vast majority of their Republican constituents want to vote for them.  



  4. 10 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    What is Dennis Miller up to in the Trump Presidency?  With a better understanding of the Fox News audience’s comedic taste, has he put away the thesaurus, ditched the obscure metaphors, and reinvented himself as the star of “Ow, my balls!”?  Or maybe he’s bought Carrot Top’s old props, or gotten really good at making fart noises. 

    You should check out his feed. The question becomes: was he ever funny? I used to think so, but was it always this bad?



  5. To the honorable Kim Jong Un, 

    These McNuggets are TREMENDOUS. I'm usually a Big Mac guy but they were all gone. And the sweet and sour sauce, look - I know you people make a very good sweet and sour sauce, but this sweet and sour sauce is the best you'll ever have. Believe me. 



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