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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. This hurts. I took years off my life in the Westheimer location.
  2. That was different. You see, Clinton engaged in an extramarital affair and then lied about it. Republicans will not stand for such an offense. What he should have done is paid her to keep quiet.
  3. I don't think he can unring the bond bell, but I wholeheartedly agree with your second sentence.
  4. Fingers crossed that this one moves through before November.
  5. But I've been assured by so many on this thread that nobody is getting paid a dime.
  6. It sounds exhausting. Good!
  7. I've got an agreed value policy through CHUBB on my older boat. They've faithfully taken my money for years.
  8. So if he posted the bond in his name and someone else fronted the money, what are the tax implications on a $92M gift. Yes, I know he cheats on his taxes, but that's how they got Capone.
  9. I've had two anecdotes related to me from two different Latina friends: (1) as it relates to non-voting, the person just didn't think it would make any difference (this likely was as much an product of the person's youth and (2) as it relates to Latinos and Trump, his bullshit somehow equates to a machismo to which they closely relate (no idea whether that's true on a broad scale).
  10. Given the increasingly-decreasing abilities and aptitudes of Trump's attorney's, I could foresee your being on the voir dire panel, their taking the time to read all of your posts on Surly, and their allowing you to end up on the jury without objection. This missed opportunity is a loss for us all.
  11. I alternate between the UT Civil and Criminal Appellate seminars every other year. I'd place pretty high odds on my having heard him speak. I'll keep an eye out for him and the book. To get back on topic, I think the due date for Trump to cough up someone's money in the EJC suit is just two short days away.
  12. That's a good one. I like the UT book because it clocks in at under 100 pages and could fit in my pocket. I dug up my old Wariner's book from high school for something I was looking for late last year. It now resides on my office bookshelf. Stephen King's On Writing is a fun read as well.
  13. Bryan Garner, in someone's opinion I may or may not have overheard and which likely was parody, molests collies whilst sniffing his own farts. Tim Terrell is another writing seminar guru I'd prefer not to hear again. If you want a book to help shore up your writing, save your money and just grab a Texas Law Review Manual on Usage & Style. Refer to that if there's any question about usage or grammar. Other than that, do your best to be clear and concise. As far as authorities on the subject of written communications, Michael Adams has far more useful things to say about the written word than Garner or Terrell ever could imagine. And Robert Dubose has some very interesting and well-researched ideas about how more effectively to utilize and organize your writing when what you write will be read on a screen. Nancy Tuten is an absolute grammar master who has managed to make all the boring rules easier to compartmentalize and remember. But most people who can string a few sentences and paragraphs together by age twenty-five aren't magically going to be transformed into an amazing writer after a writing seminar. But the ones who have consumed the Garner Kool-Aid are easy to spot.
  14. I'm down with the plain English part. But don't get me started on the Cult of Garner and his convincing lawyers to put citations in the footnotes. Every time I see that, I end up with whiplash. And no, please don't make your statement of the issue half a page long.
  15. Surly Motto: We Saved Latin. What did you ever do?
  16. No damages. You didn't rent it shoes, you didn't buy it a beer. It's not taking your turn.
  17. "Common law," in some circumstances is longhand for "not," as in common-law marriage. "Axiomatic" means we have no legal authority.
  18. Ispe dixit loosely translates to, just because he says it's so don't make it so.
  19. So many ways to go with this. It's not quite breakfast. It's not quite lunch. But it comes with a slice of cantaloupe at the end. You don't get completely what you would at breakfast, but you get a good meal!
  20. She described it as ipse-bitsy.
  21. Nothing makes me giggle like when someone drops ipse dixet into a brief.
  22. I've had that thought (not in court) of maybe if he punches me, I can leverage the shit out of this. Another video record of a family law proceeding resulted in the client's losing his shit in open court and fighting tooth and nail as the deputies and bailiffs hot tied him and carried him out to the patrol car. Lots of additional bodycam footage of that one. Zero remorse or concern as to how this might effect the outcome of his case. Of course, few things beat car chase videos. I've posted on Surly before about one I saw that took place in Lufkin. A close second is the guy who had warrants who tried to drive his S-10 Blazer down the boat ramp and skip it across the Sabine river like that 3rd cousing Cannonball Run movie. He almost made it. Then, as his girlfriend exited the car with her hands up, he just floated on down the river to freedom (until the game warden picked him up about 4 miles down river. Good times.
  23. I got to watch a "video record" once where it almost went down in court and one of the good-old-boy attorneys strode over to the exit and demanded that opposing counsel come outside to figure things out. Sometimes, that cold, dead, appellate record heats up.
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