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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. I suck at cutting pie, but you get the idea. Definitely delicious and held together well.
  2. I'm hoping its being in the fridge overnight worked some magic. But if it's a goopy mess, it'll be a tasty one.
  3. Soon. It's in the oven reheating now.
  4. dcbc


    I've now posted this blasphemous masterpiece in the correct gumbo thread. I'd had a few drinks when I posted last night, but something didn't look right about this thread.
  5. dcbc


    Because I'm a moron and somehow posted this in the wrong gumbo thread last night and for posterity's sake: Cross-posted from the shit I cooked lately thread (Easter edition). I saw an Instagram video where someone did this and decided it could not possibly be anything but delicious. Gumbo Pot Pie. I made a stock on Monday. Last night, I made the pie crust and did an oven roux ahead of time. Then, while transferring the roux from the cast iron pan to a mason jar, I knocked over the jar and spilled roux all over the counter, which sucked for two reasons---I lost my roux and what an awful mess. Got up this morning and started another oven roux (I'm convinced these have more positive contributions to the final product than the old stand-and-stir. Did all my prep, and had the gumbo ready by 4 pm. Ate some for dinner and put together the rice and gumbo mixture for the pie. This is the biggest variable and I oped for more meat that liquid and tried to keep the rice in a good balance. But it is more rice heavy than I'd have it in a bowl. Anyway, I'll post the final picture when it's reheated, sliced and served tomorrow. [
  6. dcbc


    Cross-posted from the shit I cooked lately thread (Easter edition). I saw an Instagram video where someone did this and decided it could not possibly be anything but delicious. Gumbo Pot Pie. I made a stock on Monday. Last night, I made the pie crust and did an oven roux ahead of time. Then, while transferring the roux from the cast iron pan to a mason jar, I knocked over the jar and spilled roux all over the counter, which sucked for two reasons---I lost my roux and what an awful mess. Got up this morning and started another oven roux (I'm convinced these have more positive contributions to the final product than the old stand-and-stir. Did all my prep, and had the gumbo ready by 4 pm. Ate some for dinner and put together the rice and gumbo mixture for the pie. This is the biggest variable and I oped for more meat that liquid and tried to keep the rice in a good balance. But it is more rice heavy than I'd have it in a bowl. Anyway, I'll post the final picture when it's reheated, sliced and served tomorrow. [
  7. I'm pretty pleased with myself. Money shot to follow when served. Behold: Gumbo Pot Pie! I'll talk about it a little in the cross-post in the Gumbo Thread.
  8. Good old Weber Kettle reverse sear with a butter bath in a medium-low pan in the house before the plate. Tasty
  9. The only thing that comes close is Jerry Garcia, and Bobby by extension and longevity. My wife still says it's her tio show. It's probably top 5 for me, easy, if not higher.
  10. Good girl, Pippa. Hope they serve steak. So do Maeby, Archie, and Gracie (not pictured)
  11. Back before Google Call Screen, if I happened to pick up, I'd ask if they could hold on a second, put the phone by the computer speaker, and pull up some annoying Hold music on Youtube to see how long they'd wait.
  12. Which says to me, given the fact that W-Bush even endorsed him too He currently is endorsed by every living former-president. When has that ever happened? Checkmate, Donald.
  13. Is it even feasible (likelihood of turning a profit versus getting caught holding the bag) for people to make money shorting this stock. It has nowhere to go but down. So I assume it's the latter. /I could read the "dummies" definition of shorting stock fifty times and my rudimentary understanding of the concept would barely move the understanding-needle.
  14. Ain't nobody got time for that. Turn it on. Warm it up. Rock.
  15. . . . with a poodle under one arm and a 2-foot salami under the other. Bartender says, I guess you won't be needing a drink. Guy says . . .
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