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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. LLCs within LLCs. I just figured he was hoping to change the business address (as opposed to the property address) so he could continue to funnel money through it, out of it, or whichever way. The physical property still could be liquidated to satisfy the monetary penalty (unless it's a mobile home and he's going to drag it down to Florida) where it will blend in, disappear, you'll never see it again. With any luck, he's found the grail already. Oh, wait . . . .
  2. Possibly, that was the intent. But in a practical sense, it keeps appeals from getting bounced on technicalities where the judgment truly was intended to dispose of everything. My perspective is skewed though. And I do what I do better if I don't try to read the tea leaves on what motivates the Texas Supreme Court.
  3. Yeah, in Texas we have a "motion for judgment," the counterpoint to which is a motion JNOV, which wouldn't make sense here. Maybe style it motion for corrected judgment. Just a weird naming scheme in Trump University Upstairs Law College and Tanning Salon. And, as you undoubtedly know, in Texas, for purposes of appeal, we have the "one final judgment" rule, which is to say that a final judgment is one which disposes of all parties and all issues, which typically is indicated by a "Mother Hubbard" clause stating that the judgment does just that. But to make matters more strange (at least in Texas), even if a judgment does not, in fact, dispose of all parties and all issues, if it appears that the trial court intended to dispose of all parties and all issues, a judgment which is not, in fact, final, is considered final for purposes of appeal.
  4. Don't sleep on the low profile down firing subs. We had one for a while (Yamaha, now discontinued), and it did pretty well for taking the load off the bookshelf speakers. Something like that likely would be a discrete (stick it under the console if you like) way to get the most out of whatever speakers you get.
  5. I believe the words you're looking for are Villa Capri. Also, I like where this is headed. Link
  6. The offered him $50 (for his watch) and promised him free hamburders. And he, unsurprisingly, had nothing better to do.
  7. Go buy the filtered water bottles from the grocery store. Run those for a week. See if its consistently good. If so, that's your x-factor.
  8. Are you the family that beat the Frogers on Pig in a Poke? Enjoy the trip!
  9. On a typical monetary judgment, a supercedeas bond prevents collection on the judgment while on appeal. Since this is a civil penalty, I don't know how NY state law handles it.
  10. Is something no longer undefeated? Asking for a few friends.
  11. Based on what I've been made to understand, it's damned near a prosecutorial tradition. A more high profile example.
  12. But one of the defendants in this case is a former government official who, at least once, hired someone to fuck him, then got caught paying her for her silence. Fani ought to hold herself to a higher standard, I'd certainly agree. But removing her from the case? Nah.
  13. Yeah, but when is anything going to happen? What's taking so long?????? [emoji1787] Also, I hope he's thinking that had he just been able to take a little joke at that White House Correspondents' Dinner, he could have been a relatively rich game show host with few headaches and fewer legal issues, especially of the criminal variety. Lesson definitely not learned though.
  14. Whenever you do, it will plow through you.
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