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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. It is what it is, i.e. "Cheesy Squash." But it's something specific that a lot of people enjoyed back when JM was alive and making it. Nothing wrong with squash casserole, but that's not what this recipe is supposed to approximate..
  2. I used to be addicted to Mack, but now I am clean. That is why I'm selling these magazine subscriptions. Would you like to buy one.
  3. For clarity's sake, the Stabby recipe I was shooting for, which resulted in this threadjacking, was a little soupy. Not much, but just enough. LIke this:
  4. Chicken, sausage, brisket Gumbo before the ice and snow.
  5. You may have squeezed too much of the juice out or the bread crumbs may have absorbed some of the liquid. Play with it. I've made it with two squash, half an onion, 1/2 cup sour cream, and 1.5 cups of cheese with great results. The recipe above is 1.0 for sure.
  6. I try to avoid the word "literally" at all costs because of its misuse/abuse. But he may have ready your post too literally. I'm still going to assume you never have heard of French dressing, even though it is a critical ingredient (along with liquid smoke) in traditional, Texas barbecue, as well as Tex-Mex.
  7. My man, that is one hell of a mixed metaphor.
  8. Nope. We never used 'em!
  9. I paid about $360 for 22" about six years ago back when a dime bag cost a dime.
  10. And then she pronounced sentence and you were remanded to custody? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oh, and since we're posting menus. Grilled chicken and Sausage Gumbo Smoked Chuck Roast and Baby Back Ribs Meatballs and Pork Chops in reserve and, because, like Troph, I've got teenaged male kids at home, 4 gallons of milk and 72 eggs also on reserve. Basically, a slightly extended version of the shopping run that ordinarily goes down on Sunday. If the power goes down, I'm either burning charcoal or using my only propane device, the Ooni Pizza Oven. We may see how handles meatballs and various vegetables or make a bunch of focaccia bread.
  11. Your kids are 7 out of 10? That's not bad. That's solid C work. Enjoy them.
  12. And all of a sudden, MAGA cares that someone has had an affair.
  13. In the late 70s and early 80s too. When I was a kid, this was my gateway into salads. And you definitely could get some version of it at restaurants.
  14. That recipe I posted 100% was derived from something that suggested a crushed Ritz cracker topping. But since I was trying to somewhat recreate something I'd eaten once, which was much lauded on this site and Shaggy in its John Mueller iteration, I haven't put on the Ritz yet to coin a phrase.
  15. Well, he's got the defamation judgment too.
  16. The quote box was messed up here somehow. But I was just responding to the mention of bankruptcy and judgments generally. And no, Trump is unlikely to file individually. But if his ilk doesn't care about a judicial finding that he raped someone, they'll warp space and time to screech that he filed the perfect bankruptcy. It's a Chapter 1. The alpha bankruptcy.
  17. I hit up the grocery store (Tyler) at 8:30 this morning and it was well-stocked and not crowded. Then, I went to Home Depot for some weather stripping for one of our doors and some new hose bib covers (ours are done for), and the shit show was starting. I saw one lady with at least twelve of those hose bib covers in one stack trying to keep them balanced in the checkout aisle. She's either reselling that stuff or is very new money with a shit ton of hose bibs but not rich enough to pay the help to take care of that shit. Or that's what I told myself since my middle class ass maxed out at 4.
  18. That recipe might as well be a Betty Crocker. It's the base. Dress it up however you like. But I can attest that the base is delicious. And either pepper addition would probably plus it up nicely. Think of it as the squash version of a loaded baked potato, which to me suggests that bacon is another perfect addition.
  19. My advice way back when ordinarily was to think long and hard about settling with a fraud defendant (or one who is prone to fraudulent activities). You'll just end up with a breach of settlement agreement case.
  20. A lot has changed since I've thought about this, but isn't there some sort of presumption that any transfer made within forty-five days of filing bankruptcy is fraudulent? My wife is a BR lawyer (primarily). I'll have to refresh my memory on this next time I think to ask her about it. I don't think Trump would declare bankruptcy while he's campaigning.
  21. The playbook existed before Trump. In most circumstances, particularly here, I'd wager that it isn't executed with the deftness required for success. These people are as bad at covering up civil fraud as they are covering up crimes.
  22. They're civil judgments. They're meaningful as they relate to his his financial life. These judgments do nothing to save us from a Trump second term. Nothing I've said has to do with criminal liability or preventing him from seeing the outside world . . . sadly. Whether the latter happens, we'll see. As to the former, if he's following the fraudster's playbook, he'll be trying to secretly move assets around (despite oversight), which may lead to more lawsuits to collect (assuming the appeals fail). It's a process, but as I mentioned, the enjoyable part of his life does not exist during that process (assuming he isn't reelected, which doesn't necessarily stop the process either--I don't buy the self-pardon, and it doesn't work for state crimes or civil offenses). This is a long fight, which I agree probably doesn't end until he's in the ground. And it will continue against his estate, which will be entertaining as it relates to Jr. and Half-scoop. But it needs to continue. The good guys never need to let up. Take solace in the fact that he is miserable.
  23. 2 T butter 4 Yellow Squash 1 medium onion 1/2 cup of Sour Cream 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese (I prefer sharp) Salt and Pepper Chop squash and onion. In a large skillet, pan fry in butter until very tender. Add salt and pepper once translucent. Drain vegetable mixture in a colander. Press out excess liquid. Transfer mixture to a large bowl. Add sour cream, cheese, and more salt and pepper to taste. Transfer to baking dish and bake (uncovered) at 350F for 25 minutes.
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