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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. They guy who got them was completely unaware. Thankfully, he got far enough forward for it not to be a significant issue. There's a good shot of the view someone took from that row in the adjoining section. The top center of the roof is obscured, but most of the rest is visible, and the view of the band will be fantastic. We're going to the last night of the run. Should be a good time.
  2. 22 (rows in that section start at 12.
  3. Lavazza Super Crema has been a solid Amazon Subscribtion.
  4. On the Road Again is making this room dusty.
  5. This is great. Also, never realized what Lukas Nelson brought to the table. Impressive.
  6. dcbc


    I know there's not a lot of Phish love on here, but I just completed a (what I wanted of it) collection after a long wait.
  7. Thank goodness there are some TOP MEN in this thread to pick up where I could not go.
  8. I thought of at least five witty/snarky comments to that story. But that's just fucked up. What a bunch of dirtbags. That's all I've got.
  9. I'd probably run a temporary copper solution and test it. We only have a very short stainless run and all the water lines still are copper. It's fine unless you run a drywall screw through it (ask me how I know).
  10. Waiting for the fat man in the red suit. And had a friend over (Teddi).
  11. I have both and prefer the Victorinox, but the Henckels aren't the worst thing in the world. The Victorinox has the pretty but stinky rosewood handle. So it looks nice compared to the Henckels. But 95% of people who use our house knives wouldn't really want for more, if I had to guess. Mostly because I try to keep them sharp though.
  12. If they're sharp and stay sharp and feel good in your hand, yes. If you don't know the answers to those questions, hard to say. I've had a set of Henckels for over 20 years. They're our house knives. They're okay, but they have to be sharpened often and aren't really comparable to what my knives, which I picked up individually after some research (a mixed set), are. The handles are comfortable though and I use them when it's a pretty quick task.
  13. One of our group scored tickets to see Phish at the Sphere in April. Never figured we'd get lucky in the general sale, but we got lower level, dead center, at the edge of the overhang, which is probably good so as to protect us from falling wooks who will be convinced they can fly.
  14. As for pans, the only hole I see is a good, stainless frying pan and a saute pan. Sometimes you want stuff to stick a little for some good fond.
  15. My total understanding of it all comes from Loony Tunes and, thus, I believe it to be a rewarding process without a retirement plan.
  16. Today, an egg costs $.088. Your friends sound . . . . Well, I'd have to make a list of reactions to that. Edit. Shoot me their address. I'll send them some eggs. That's how ridiculous their complaints are. Oh, and for the record, I am a state employee with 2 kids (children mean my opinion matters apparently), one of whom consumes a shit-ton of eggs.
  17. I'm sure this has been posted, but I've got a friend stressing over an alarm to remind him to purchase concert tickets tomorrow and he made this reference, which I caught and clapped back with Jena-Paul!
  18. I posted a manual Chef's Choice Sharpener with both a 15 and 20 degree pass option (plus the polishing). I also asked about the electric version of essentially what I have, the 1520. What our friend posted was the 15xv, which only has a 15 degree sharpener plus the polisher. According to the manual, it will re-angle a 20 degree blade down to a 15, and, yes, I imagine that would take a few more passes on the first go-'round. The manual says just to run it through the polisher for maintenance most of the time. On my manual sharpener, it suggests 8 total pulls (mine requires back and forth) the first time, and 4--6 on subsequent sharpenings. It works well, but I'm curious about the 1520 Model since I want to keep my Euro knives Euro. Both electric sharpeners mentioned as well as my manual sharpener all use the diamond disks. The electrics have better guides and have separate slots for each side of the blade.
  19. If we're talking dry-fit type stuff that isn't smelling good after washing, put it all in a bag and toss it in the freezer for a couple of days. Then, rewash. It has worked for my sons' athletic gear.
  20. I was going to say that your opinion of "most" humans may correspond to the amount of time you spend on Surly. But we don't suck. We're just dog-loving assholes.
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