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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. Wheeler v. Enbridge Pipelines, (E. Tex.), L.P., 449 S.W.3d 474 (Tex. 2014) (explaining when you can recover for intrinsic, ornamental value of trees). This will make for some good reading if the neighbor doesn't bite on the tree value calculator valuation and push later comes to shove. edit: Glad he did the right thing.
  2. I'll toss the oft-misused "literally" on the fire.
  3. So you took your Victorinox down to a 15 degree angle? I have their Chef's knife and was eyeballing the CC1520, which is on sale for $92.
  4. I'm the youngest of 5. I just turned 50 this year (for context). My sister and I are from my dad's second marriage to my mom, who was thirty years younger than he was. Dad was born in 1910 and was the oldest of six kids. His dad also was a sharecropper. The biscuit line also caught my eye because the story that always stuck with me that I was told is that they were so poor, his mom had to make drop-biscuits out of beans.
  5. Seems like it would be a great The Band cover group, all dressed like Walter from Breaking Bad a la the Neds from Okilly Dokilly.
  6. Nicolette Scorsese is 69 years old now. Here's a recent picture.
  7. I usually cut the butcher paper to vent it while resting it on the counter.
  8. I can't remember if it was that John Lewis interview, but I recall that he or Aaron said that they saw diminishing returns past the 11 hour mark.
  9. The Tumbler supposedly does not live up to the standards of the Horl it imitates.
  10. I tried this with my older oven. The problem was there was still a pretty big temperature swing. My new oven will hold steady at 145F but shuts off after 3 hours. Still, I almost always opt for a preheated cooler, particularly if I'm holding for more than three hours and will be away from the house and am unable to restart the warming cycle on the oven.
  11. I don't know how I've made it this far in life without picking one up. I just fixed that issue this morning and picked up two Winco fish turners on Amazon for $4 a pop. Serious Eats liked them well enough.
  12. Chef's Choice 4643 uses discs, is simple, sets a good edge, doesn't remove too much material, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
  13. aggy is backward. So they've got that going for them.
  14. I don't usually have much use for an 8" stainless fry pan, but it also includes the 12", which isn't something I often have seen in sets.
  15. At $549, that's actually a far better price than I was expecting so see.
  16. Serious eats put them up there with Victorinox for similar quality knives, but for a lower price.
  17. I've got the rosewood version of their chef's knife and paring knife. Apart from the stink from the handles (took a bit to rid of it), they are good knives.
  18. Carbon steel for a lighter Cast Iron alternative. I've been happy with Matfer Bourgeat. But there are other good brands.
  19. Obviously, if you have the money for All-Clad, go for it. But if you're on a budget, Cuisinart MultiClad Pro or French Classic (pretty much the same, but made in France versus China), is excellent stainless cookware for far less than All-Clad. I started with a 13-piece set of the French Classic, and added several larger pieces. It definitely passes the test of being heavy duty enough to bludgeon someone to death, and I have no doubt it will last a lifetime. I don't see a huge difference between its quality versus the All-Clad D3 cookware I've used.
  20. A cucumber is a pickle which never got a chance.
  21. Who can say? There are no certainties in life, other than death, taxes, and the perfection that is liquid smoke.
  22. I don't know about that. This was more recently. But he definitely hasn't bought in.
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