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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. Got last minute tickets to the Tech Ass Kicking. Got there late, but enjoyed being able to grab beer and slam it on my way to the gate. Section 124 was lit and the two Australian kids in Holiday that were enjoying my taunting Tech players and yelling the same thing was great and made me realize my influence on strangers. The view was solid, but the men's room situation was a bit long-lined
  2. dcbc


    Thought about that the other day. I think it would be a substitute for Soy Sauce. I did it in a Thanksgiving gravy recipe, but only about a teaspoon. That stuff smells so nasty.
  3. I scalloped my finger once while slicing sausage with my new Dexter slicer. Nothing booze, paper towels and some next day bandaging couldn't fix. I learned a valuable lesson though.
  4. Okay, I have a story for another thread (or possibly in another thread) about how my older half-brother (RIP) did this to his older brother at the dinner table for trying to take his steak off his plate after he'd already consumed his own. I'll have to see if that, in fact, is posted somewhere. But well done.
  5. dcbc


    Damn! I just added an inexpensive 12 qt stock pot, and was thinking I was King Shit of Turd mountain. But you sir, are the Dear Leader of this shit.
  6. dcbc


    Thanks. There may be something to that oven roux.
  7. dcbc


    Prepping a day ahead was a good call. I'm not hungry, but I'm about to eat. /edit. This might be my best gumbo to date. Holy shirts and pants! This is good!
  8. dcbc


    Whoever suggested using bread to skim the fat is a genius. Whoever suggested eating the bread afterward is an evil genius.
  9. Yeah, I was a bit perturbed. I thought it to be one of those things that you'd have to work pretty hard at it to mess it up. But here we are.
  10. The bird decided to stall after I put it in a foiled pan with butter. I had some great bird bark though and finished it off in the oven at 425. Best flavor I've had from a turkey.
  11. Closing this year's spite bread chapter. My niece acknowledged the spite bread and gave me kudos on how close it was. I don't think my sister tried it. All in all, it was a good get-together. Nothing remotely political was uttered. My sister managed to screw up the mashed potatoes. Apparently, she's never made mashed potatoes, although I could have sworn she brought them last year. Anyway, she peeled and boiled them last night and showed up with them cold. We had to nuke them and I almost broke the potato masher trying to get them to comply. Ultimately, we ended up with a pretty flavorless mush with the consistency of wet snow. Thankfully, my dressing was a big, bright, shining star like Dirk Diggler. If she hadn't redeemed this critical error with some killer green beans, we may have had to put her on salad duty for next year.
  12. Happy Thanksgiving, turkeys.
  13. dcbc


    Well . . . I'm working on it.
  14. Did she know Jake Epping? I think sometime around 2011, he was a high school English teacher in Lisbon Falls, ME.
  15. This is 325f with a butter crust. Going to 300f in the next one.
  16. dcbc


    A wise man and his apprentice were traveling. They reached a river, and encountered a man who was too weak to cross. The wise man carried the man across the river on his back while the apprentice carried the belongings both of the wise and the helpless man. The wise man and the apprentice left the man on the other side of the river and went on their way. The apprentice was perturbed about having to do extra work while the helpless man was carried. Eventually, he asked the wise man why he would treat the two so differently. The wise man responded, "Him? I put him down hours ago."
  17. dcbc


    It's my preference as well. But the oven thing works fine. I work with a woman whose parents are Cajun. She said a lot of the old-timers do oven roux. I still like to be involved in the process though.
  18. dcbc


    I'm just used to medium heat for an hour-and-a-half. If we weren't heading to Austin on Friday, I wouldn't worry with doing so much in advance and would happily stand over the pot, lazily stirring and drinking for the long stretch. But Friday's out. So it's getting crammed into t-giving day.
  19. dcbc


    There are some good tips here.
  20. For nostagic purposes, I bought an old-style, hand-crank, burr coffee grinders for my grinder. Two rotations give you roughly a tablespoon of course-ground pepper. I think it was $75 20 years ago.. Like I said, I got it for nostalgic purposes, but damn if it isn't the best grind. It's basically this
  21. dcbc


    It's the same, but you don't have to turn down the heat to go get another drink. Oh, and, in my case, I was sitting down rather than standing. So my feet liked oven-method more.
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