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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by dcbc

  1. I've got Sticky Fingers on the HiFi right now. We as a people didn't deserve the Rolling Stones. But I'm sure we all got to live in the time of said Rolling Stones. I tend to forget how damned special Wild Horses is.
  2. As for the tailpiece, my only experience with the trapeze tailpiece is on my 1970 335, and it's been no issue as far as tone goes. I know some people don't love them, but I've not really noticed it. Back on topic, my failed Epiphone Casino experiment. It sure was pretty, but . . . All in with the hard case, I only paid $500. used Sold it to Chicago Music Exchange when it sat a while on Reverb for a little less. Worth it to know I didn't need to chase that model.
  3. Holy hell, I can get an American VIntage strat for $1,300 less that a Casino?
  4. Avatar checks out. The original Bad News Bears is the greatest sports movie of all time.
  5. No way I'm paying 200 pounds for Chicken Shock.
  6. Thanks to this thread, I'm looking at sinks online. What's with the low divider sinks? Seems like it would be awesome in that it would prevent the unnecessary soaking of dishes by others, but useless that one day of the year I want to defrost the Thanksgiving turkey in cold water. I guess I could use a bucket. But when the divider is that low, why do I want a divider at all?
  7. Countertop space is a valuable commodity though.
  8. You pickin' up what I'm layin' down, son!
  9. I got the idea he was a good guy to take along on road trips.
  10. Mine was 100% a Chinese shit box. And it wasn't good (not that I have a similar frame of reference). 335s are a completely different, more tamable animal.
  11. Just to come full circle, this is what I think of when I think of a "great."
  12. That was my experience. It looked like it would be fun to play acoustically, but both my strat and sg were way more acoustically vocal. My 1970 ES335 is the most even guitar I've ever played. The strat took more getting used to after years of playing a tele. It's a partscaster with a wonderful neck, good electronics, and a cheap body. So I wonder if there's more if I should leave well enough alone. The tele wants you to fail, but rewards those lucid intervals of awesome. The Les Paul wants you to be super comfortable playing it until it compresses your spine. The SG wishes you were a viking who could use it as the rock weapon it is.
  13. dcbc


    Photo already is obsolete.
  14. If you want to get it covered by insurance, you'll likely need at least two tests with low or below the range results. Otherwise, the gel runs about $50 per month if prescribed by your doc and picked up in a pharmacy as opposed to a Low-T clinic, while the self injections will run you $10--$15 per month if covered by insurance.
  15. Or an ES330. Honestly, the Casino is the first guitar I've had in decades that I couldn't bond with and sold. It was such a cool guitar - Goldtop. But even after a setup, I felt like it played like a cigar box. The only time I got it to sound good was playing it through a cranked tweed Bassman. But, then, I thought to myself, everything sounds good through a cranked tweed Bassman.
  16. If I had the space, I would. It is the ultimate during the holidays. My parents had two when I was a kid.
  17. dcbc

    Jam bands

    Putting in for tickets for Thursday night.
  18. It made sense at the time. Why do I need a big sink to throw crap in the disposal? I need a big sink to soak and scrub. Once it's scrubbed, whatever I pour out easily can be dumped in the small sink disposal. I think I just want it on my right or in the center (for a 3 part sink) because either I'm right handed or to satisfy my OCD. I think a better decision would be never to have gotten something with a small side in the first place. Or maybe something 60/40ish would have been better.
  19. As for my playing, I'd be lucky to be compared to Dickie's.
  20. In that interview, he also said the greatest thing he's done in his career is help raise money for touring musicians during COVID.
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