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Everything posted by WinningIsHard

  1. This is the Oklahoma coaching search right now and it couldn’t happen to a better group of people.
  2. McKenzie reminds me of Kenneth Murray jr that was a pain in our ass for a few years and went to the chargers. I’d love if we could turn him into an edge guy who could wreck havoc in the run and pass game.
  3. While he's there he should get those nudes and square up that bet for surly. lulz
  4. I think I can guess the 5 or so players he referenced, but the way he worded it made it seem like it wasn't going to be us who magically wound up with said players. I got it now though, preciate that.
  5. A reporter asked him about Florida state coming back one game, he said I’m a fan of execution, like the whole team being executed. Hahahahah! He’s a LSU coach for just that comment alone.
  6. Holllllllllllly shitttttttt! This is an oklahoma fan complaining about the refs. Somewhere right now there's a guy ordering ice water in hell.
  7. Stunt on these hoes Sark. Fuck I hope we don’t fuck this up. We want all your portals
  8. Napier to Florida, LSU is fucking up lol. I hope anyway way behind on this but man it made me laugh.
  9. It’s worth stopping just so all the “high IQ” assholes don’t have to inform him how much smarter they are and how good their takes always are lol. Stan drayton’s fan boy, the two diatribe twins that golf together…it’s just not worth it haha.
  10. That’s not sarcasm, we aren’t going to let ours do that lol. His time is over. On to the next one.
  11. Now wait just a damn minute here, whilst admonishing a dummy did you need to drag us through the mud ya fuckin dick head lol.
  12. Watching a defense hustle and play until the whistle blows makes me smile and hate fucking life. Why can’t we have nice things lol.
  13. You are an analytics guy, and I respect that. The dumb fuck you are arguing with likes to be a troll when people are passionate or serious about a topic he thinks is stupid. He did it to me then admitted it everybody. Save your breathe.
  14. What in tar nation…that was a 15 yard personal foul. That’s wild. Sec wants bama with one loss apparently
  15. That’s twice it looked like intentional grounding with no call, wtf
  16. I wasn’t comparing sark to harbaugh man. But before @SydneyCarton has to come in and prove he suffers from imposter syndrome, I’ll relent. Lol
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