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956 Worldwide

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Everything posted by 956 Worldwide

  1. I’m guessing that you’re bringing a lot firepower to this— ME professional with languages, credentials, time on the ground, professional or advance academic background as a regional expert, CT expert, historian, etc?
  2. Ok. Abbot says that the everyone protesting for Palestinian emancipation is supporting Hamas. You say that people seeking Palestinian emancipation have no choice but to support Hamas. Lean into that, I guess? Good luck.
  3. There were and remain a world of options open to Palestinians and people who support Palestinians other than “join Hamas or support Hamas.” Trying to sneak that sort of binary in here is, ironically, the same binary that Abbott and Co. are pushing.
  4. Plus rep for going exactly where my mind went.
  5. I basically agree with @Chuckie Finster’s post word for word. Plenty of room for self-reflection to go around, I’d say.
  6. It makes zero sense which is why I am calling out the prattle you have to wade through in Chainsaw’s post: “A particular emancipatory force of which we disapprove,” LOL. That’s Hamas. Just type Hamas.
  7. Hamas is a terrorist and criminal religious extremist group. It is not an “emancipatory force.” Don’t try to sneak that bullshit in here. Also your post is complete pseudo-intellectual twaddle that tries to make a stupid point sound smart: ”Since you’re angry at cops for beating up and arresting peaceful protestors, shouldn’t you also be more open to sympathizing with Hamas.” No, we shouldn’t. That’s dumb AF. Just type what you mean, leftist communication is the WORST.
  8. I feel like there are a lot of threads being tied together that don’t necessarily belong getting tied together. This stuff exploded across the nation. There have absolutely been some vile anti-Semitic activities that went beyond the pale on college campuses. And it seems like that got conflated to what was planned at UT, which was just speech, and that probably exploited by bad-faith actors who deliberately wanted to confuse the matter and posture as hard asses.
  9. I think we’re on a very public shame and deter campaign and that as long as that’s going on, it means that there hasn’t been a need to use other measures. Hard to speculate on what would happen if the Russians went through with it. The UN vote and press leaks are all tactics to deter/pressure Russia not to launch. I think this vote is about the February tempest, I don’t think anything has gone up yet.
  10. I would take seriously the grave warnings but wouldn’t get too excited about any alleged U.S. kinetic action in space— which would undermine the warnings we are sending out.
  11. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/24/statement-from-national-security-advisor-jake-sullivan-on-russias-veto-of-the-un-security-council-resolution-on-the-outer-space-treaty/
  12. Mine was “facsimile” pronounced “fax-sih-mile.”
  13. I get so hard seeing S-300s get blown the fuck up.
  14. Non-competes are garbage and anti-market. It’s just employers wanting the free market and competition for them and not for the people they employ. Great decision.
  15. Would have been super cool to get ATACMS in, i don’t know, October?
  16. Looks like this just got passed. Aid to Ukraine will start rolling as soon as POTUS signs. Arms to Ukraine, Taiwan. TikTok has to be sold out from under PRC. We’re so back.
  17. Storm Shadow/Scalps are better for the Kerch Bridge.
  18. They need air defense and long range fires. Hoping we will see the ATACMS really start flowing.
  19. I’ve lived and worked for the last six years in Europe. Nations that have some of the very best maternity and paternity benefits also have some of the lowest birth rates. We should do that stuff because it’s good for existing moms and babies and not in a bid to boost birth rates. Birth rates have been declining since I’ve been officially off the market and all the ladies just keep hoping that will change. I don’t blame them for not wanting to settle for less.
  20. And the current plan isn’t to send them (Taiwan) F-35s. F-16Vs.
  21. Not trying to condescend to you man. Just pointing out that in addition to all the things that @atomheartbevo points out, they will need to probably do some work on runways, build shelters, redeploy air defenses and figure out a solution for the places they got left behind, etc. The planes are coming from Denmark and other divesting partners are are not new. Ordinarily any nation transiting to the F-16 would get legions of American advisors on site and would have to do extensive facility upgrades. The pilots need more than just proficiency on the jet for air policing missions, they will be doing combat missions almost immediately. It took Slovakia well over a year to get their infrastructure in place for the 14 jets they bought. Ordinarily you’d even have the new crews take a full English course. A lot has been compressed for Ukraine.
  22. I am for seizing Russian assets, but the Europeans are going to be loathe to do so, but are slowly coming around. The only argument I can see for sitting on those assets would be as a bargaining chip if we thought we might get a new Russian leader more amenable to real negotiations. Releasing those funds in exchange for better terms for Ukraine. That isn’t on the horizon. Spend the money. A compromise that might get the Euros on board would be to earmark it for reconstruction that European firms could bid on which would be hilarious and cool.
  23. F-16s aren’t quite F1 cars (that’s the F-35), but they’re for sure sports cars. Ukraine hasn’t had the infrastructure in place to keep them flying. It’s a multi year process to move to American fast jets for nations that aren’t at war.
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