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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. Looks like a Honda Ridgeline, but worse.
  2. Covid broke some people's brains. They'll never be the same.
  3. Just bought a french door wall oven for this exact reason. Drop down doors on anything that high is dumb as shit.
  4. My Dad was talking about his My Pillow he bought recently. I just changed the subject.
  5. I was telling my wife just the other night that I want to start reading real actual books again, but it makes me fall asleep. She responded that if I can read a message board for hours a day then I can read a few pages of a book each night. Fair enough.
  6. In a board full of terrible takes, he consistently has some of the worst. So keep that in mind.
  7. Yep. I also enjoy IBC out of a glass bottle.
  8. I'm just going to have my kids watch more TV instead of reading. Thanks Surly!
  9. I locked in for around 9 cents for three years just after the 2021 winter storm. Hope shit settles down before I have to renew.
  10. Thankfully I ended up with a house that already had nice Andersen windows. I think I would have gone with something a little different, but I can't complain. $30K-$50K+ is a significant outlay of cash for windows.
  11. Jesus. Good thing they had a nice cushion going in.
  12. Still can't believe that shit happened. That's something that would happen to us.
  13. Right, I just hear anecdotal stories about Moms getting stranded on the side of 59 with three kids in the car. Fuck that. Too many other nice cars out there.
  14. Allie P supposedly kept us from hosting a few times so I'm sure it's one of several factors.
  15. Wow. Did not expect that at all with how we finished the season.
  16. We've lost out on more than one title where we dominated stroke play only to lose in match play. Anything can happen once you're in.
  17. Lol just saw Aggy finished 16th.
  18. Damn shame about the Goons and Frogs. You hate to see it, but more than that...you love to see it.
  19. I've never heard a single person who was happy with their Range Rover. Yet people keep buying them so fuck it!
  20. That shit happened to us in 1990. Ran through the first three games easily 14-4, 7-1, 14-3 and then lost 3-2 to Georgia in the winner take all. My Dad still talks about that game.
  21. Well I learned something today.
  22. Blue Star range and oven getting delivered today. Nowhere close to installing, but still excited to see them. I went with them because they're made in the US and are as simple as simple can be which means less shit to break.
  23. Reading comments online and it's basically all the same bullshit excuses as always. Gun laws don't work, criminals don't care about laws, bad people will do harm if they want to do harm, arm the teachers, blah blah blah fuck you. Only country in the world where this is an epidemic and somehow we just throw up our hands and say 'can't do shit about it!'
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