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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. I had essentially zero side effects with Pfizer first dose. Barely even a sore arm. I assume that means the second will take me out for a week.
  2. I'll continue to wear them when a business asks me to because I believe that is their right. I'd expect more and more businesses to lift their mask requirements come Summer though. That's assuming something unforseen doesn't happen of course.
  3. Too late, already ordered! I got the metal cap version. I've done the pedal method many times, but I really just want something I can do myself.
  4. Why the fuck are any of those people even bothering to get vaccinated then? People who think this should drag on forever until we have zero cases are insane and can go fuck themselves.
  5. Ha, not going to lie...I almost bailed when they said the systems were down and they had no idea when they'd come back up.
  6. Got first Pfizer dose today. Computer systems went down as soon as I got there so it took forever. Pretty standard luck for me. I'm waiting for the symptoms now.
  7. Good to know. I'll keep it in mind. I'm probably going to do a test run to flush mine out since it's long overdue. I'll be doing a full rotor and pad swap in the next few months so I'll change it again then.
  8. Why not? Every demo I've seen filled the pressure bottle.
  9. Stimulus check will buy you two sheets of OSB
  10. Anybody use a Motive brake bleeder system before? I finally got around to ordering one so I could stop being a piece of shit and neglecting my brake fluid.
  11. I unburied a rat's nest of wires some dumbfuck rigged together on my system. Took me forever to figure out what went where and which zones they controlled. Not sure why it's so difficult to just do things correctly.
  12. How much does it cost to make a $2500 purse? $10?
  13. My Grandma always said Walmark and Reasnor's for grocery stores. I'm amazed at how many people here say Kroger's.
  14. I know it's been said before, but what possesses someone to buy this shit? There are a lot of ugly vehicles on the road, but this one has me shaking my head everytime.
  15. Thankfully state lawmakers are hard at work on Star Spangled Banner protection and anti-Trans bills. All is well.
  16. Some people really overthinking a $4 bottle of hot sauce.
  17. Right, I understand the concepts of supply and demand and inflation. This just seems above and beyond that. Unless you think 75% appreciation in seven years is normal.
  18. As long as $240K houses stop selling for $420K. That's why I think it's unsustainable. Feels like the student debt problem in a different form.
  19. Yeah I was lucky to have a manageable student debt load that I could pay off. So I guess if student debt gets forgiven we'll see prices skyrocket.
  20. Really? Aren't Millennials mid-20's up to 40's by now? I bought my first house at 24 and that was pretty normal in my circle of pretty normal people.
  21. Where are you guys getting these Toppling Goliath beers?
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