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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. Saw a post on Nextdoor of all places where the guy's house had a central pex manifold where he could individually shut off every faucet in the house. Thought that was pretty awesome.
  2. I'm wrapping all mine with old t-shirts and towels, duct taping, and then wrapping with trash bags and duct taping those to keep the rain off. This has worked for me in the past, but we'll see what happens.
  3. Sway bar end links went to shit so I planned on installing these today, but it was too damn cold. Used it as an excuse to buy a new impact wrench.
  4. Lol a pump bottle of Cholula. Awesome.
  5. Team fridge. I need to pick up some of that Secret Aardvark. Been meaning to try it.
  6. $1K/drain plug seems pretty reasonable really.
  7. Club. I liked the two rail setup better than the monorail A1 which is what I was originally going to order new. The monitor also has a few more features.
  8. Bought a Water Rower used for around $700 I think and we like it. Looks nice, is simple to use, and gives a hell of a workout. I'd definitely try to find one used although not sure what the market is like in the pandemic world. Just saw you ordered new so that works too.
  9. Irrigation systems are about a foot deep, but surely water supply lines are deeper than that, right? People would be hitting them all the time.
  10. Full out Armageddon prep in here. Get it together guys.
  11. My favorite medical billing story is from when I broke my foot. Surgeon billed my insurance for around $8K I think (seems really low, but that's the number I remember) and it was covered less my deductible. A month later I received a separate bill from some third party 'OR assistant' for another $8K saying I was on the hook since Aetna denied the claim. I called them up and some guy who sounded like he lived in his Mom's basement answered and said 'Oh yeah, just ignore it. We bill insurance and sometimes they pay and sometimes they don't'.' Never heard anything else about it. WTF is that shit and how often does it happen?
  12. My kids are obsessed with Bluey. It's actually pretty good so can't really complain about it.
  13. Tim Horton's? I don't even know what that is.
  14. Think I mentioned it up thread, but Fiesta has several varieties of Marie Sharps for a few bucks each. I keep stocked at all times.
  15. I liked Little Caesars until I got a hot and ready with a roach cooked into the cheese. Just was never the same after that.
  16. HEB and probably Whataburger until they ruin it...then I guess Shiner?
  17. Damn, if they do away with the higher standard deduction that means a tax hike for me. I don't have a big mortgage and my property taxes are peanuts compared to many people I know.
  18. Howston is how those Yankee fucks pronounce it.
  19. I went to Katz's by myself on a business trip and was nervous I'd fuck up my order. All I wanted was a pastrami on rye with mustard and a beer so I managed to get through with only the guy giving me shit about how to pronounce Houston.
  20. Ha, friend had a similar experience. The guy got all butthurt when he said it probably wasn't for him. Started talking shit saying they typically do higher end homes anyway. Just sounded like a bizarre experience even ignoring the price.
  21. A lot of factors go into the price increase, but I agree it has gotten out of hand. It also pisses me off that many stations don't show the price of premium on their sign so you don't know until you commit and are already at the pump.
  22. I don't even know what to think about this. Mind bottling anyone could be this stupid.
  23. Agreed. Nice windows upgrade the whole house and cheap ones make it feel cheap. I feel the same way about trim work. I'm all about details like that.
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