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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Okie State

  1. Yeah I know they're expensive and if I ever do it I'll go with good ones. I just couldn't believe that quote.
  2. A friend got a quote for $120K from Andersen which seems absurd to me. He has a lot of windows and I think it came out to about $3K each. They offered to knock it down to $90K if he signed the contract that day.
  3. So I assume you didn't qualify for a $600 check.
  4. I'm never in the loop on anything around here. Definitely not Surly Elite.
  5. This show is so damn cheesy and yet...I can't look away.
  6. Los Muertos in Katy has some badass brisket breakfast tacos. Might have to get some in the morning.
  7. Already on my second 12% abv stout. What could go wrong?
  8. Reattaching my undermount kitchen sink this fine Saturday evening. The joys of home ownership.
  9. My neighbor's stupid fucking dog stands in the window and barks anytime we are outside. So relaxing hearing non-stop barking.
  10. Bought these for Halloween without really paying attention. Horrible. The rest went to the neighborhood kids.
  11. Any idea how this beer could go from $8-$9/can to $14/4 pack? Did they sell out to a conglomerate too?
  12. Just to be clear I'm not doubting the price of the repair.
  13. An ice cold Coke is great every now and then, but I'd agree it would have to go in that situation.
  14. The on-site pizza truck is really good too. Nice place to spend a few hours on the weekend. Wish we lived close enough to walk.
  15. My cousin quit Facebook for the second time in three months.
  16. I've enjoyed all the beers I've had from you guys, but really digging this one. Maybe just because I had a shit week and this hit the spot. My wife loves the porter. Any plans to bring it back?
  17. I didn't quote this pic, but Tapa thinks I did apparently.
  18. $14K for a broken light and a scratch. Seems legit.
  19. Yeah that's pretty good luck. Seems like all the scratch and dent models I see out at Lowes or Home Depot are marked down like $100 even when they're beat to hell. I have had some good luck picking up our KitchenAid fridge brand new in the box from Sears Outlet and our JennAir range with only minor damage to the side panel from Solo Outlet each for about 50% off.
  20. Damn that's a clean wall mount TV setup.
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